Baby of Mine

Tonight, the house was quiet, brother finished reading a book (his third book this week, we might actually read all the books before having to return them to the library (a first)) I tucked him in for the night and he was quickly off to dreamland. Daddy is out with the guys.
Sister, just out of the tub, puts on Bear and the Big Blue House pjs (sweet hand me downs from brother, I might add a great garage sell find) She smells like strawberries thanks to Suave Smoother shampoo (I love all their flavors).
She wants to brush her hair as she said "by myselt!" She then says, "I can brush my teet by myselt too." As she's making her way to bed, I have a great idea, "Sis, why don't you let me rock you to sleep?" Her reply, "I not a baby, I a Big Girl." I try to talk her into it, she refuses. Last resort, I'll let you have some chocolate milk.... she caves.
She grabs her blankie (the one given to her when she was just a few days old) , I grab the chocolate milk which she still likes warmed up, and we head to the rocking chair.
What a moment. I'm rocking my sweet baby girl as memories start flooding my mind. As I'm thinking back to the many nights with her in my arms, the song Yesterday by Paul McCartney comes into mind.

Why she had to go, I don't know she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday....
She finishes the milk and starts talking mainly to keep herself awake.
1. Mom, when is Santa coming? Not until it is cold.
2..Mom, how can't I have someone pend night? When you're a little bigger.
3 Mom, how is grandpa not walk? Because he's sick and he's lost his balance.
4. How come doctor don't make him new wegs? Honey, they 're trying to help him remember how to use his own legs.
5. Mom, what's that noise? just the rockin chair. (pause) No it's not, it's you cwapping (clapping) my butt.
(lol) Honey, say bottom not b.u.t.t.
6. Mom, I yuv you. I love you too, baby.
ShShShSh, now close your eyes and go to sleep. As I tickle her belly, arms, and face, her eyes become heavy. As she is slowly drifting off to dreamland, I begin intensely studying her face, trying to memorize every little detail. She's amazing... so beautiful, so sweet.
I snuggle up and put my face into her hair, it's not so much the baby smell I use to savor but it's my little girl smell that I'm savoring equally as much.
There will be a time, it will seem as soon as tomorrow, when I will be longing for these times, this night.
Sweet dreams, baby of mine.


On this entry, I am having trouble with the spacing. When I try to skip some lines in between sentences, it won't let me, any ideas?

On the upside... my hubby figured out spellcheck so hopefully I will reframe, oops, I mean refrain from mispelled words.

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