Here Goes Nothing

A friend introduced me to her blog and now I'm addicted. She's hilarious and I love reading hers. Sometimes she goes several days without blogging, it kills me. She has said numerous times that I should start one. And so it's taken me months to build up the courage, but here goes nothing.

Not quite sure how to start.... I'm probably suppose to put this stuff on my profile but being new to the blogger world, I haven't found that prompt. Soooo, I'm a newly 35 year old (been recently accused of going through a mid-life crisis) wife to my perfect man, mom to two cuties and currently residing in the suburbs. In the over-all-sceam of things, life's great sprinkled with crazy.

My husband is my knight and shining armor. We dated in high school, did the prom thing, and then went our separate ways.... he the Air Force.....I finished high school and off to college. Years later, right before I was about to give up all together on the male race, our paths crossed and he saved me. He continues to save me on a daily basis.

My children bring light to my crazy world.

My son, from the moment he was conceived, made me a better person, the person I always wanted to be. Shouldn't it be you molding your kids, not the other way around. But, he truly changed my life. I knew he deserved no less than a perfect mom, and so if it killed me (which it feels like it does from time to time) I would give it my all. He was the most precious "pumpkin head" baby, the cutest curly haired toddler, and now the most promising full-fledge boy ever. Crazee mom partnered with perfect dad are raising a a sensitve, loving, touchy, smart, artistic, freckle-nose (which he hates and I love) boy. I would love to spend a day looking through his eyes, for everything he see's, there's a question. I don't know, will he be a scientist who specializes in bugs, a comedian (when he's trying to be funny, he's not but all other times he's hysterical) a lawyer ( he likes to argue, mostly with me) or a preacher (he loves to talk, all the time, when he's awake and asleep) regardless for now he's my little man who keeps me on my toes. My son, the light in my life.

My daughter, from the beginning I knew she was a girl as I knew brother was a boy, brought joy to my life. I cherish the connection I have with my mom and words can't describe what it means to have that with baby girl. She was a beautiful baby, couldn't go anywhere without comments, we actually had someone follow us around at the fair in awe of her, she just was soooo pretty. Now, she is the prettiest little girl who recently left toddlerhood with an even bigger attitude that you can imagine. Her spunk, confidence, joy, hugs, kisses are addictive. With the biggest, most beautiful blue eyes in the world, my little girl is the most precious treasure. What I would give to keep her little but I know my little song-bird will fly and when she does , she will fly high. My daughter, joy of my life.

I am sooo thankful for the support system in my life. I truly have the best family, both my parents and my husband's parents. My friends (old and new) are the best.

Okay, with all of this soooo right in my life, how can I have so many moments of crazy? My life is like icecream (Rocky Road, obviously it would be my favorite) so sweet, cool, but never smooth and routine. So I'm always having weird marshmellow moments filled with nutty people and topped with crazee sprinkes for color. It might sound silly but I thought it was a good analogy.

And Finally, I need a outlet for those crazy moments and thus I'm blogging.
(forgive any misspelled words, maybe I shouldn't mention I'm a teacher, but being new to the blogger world, I can't get spell check to work... it says Pop-up blocked, what the heck does that mean)


jesprincess said…
Great blogging girl. I can't wait to read your rocky road.

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