Just Can't Help Myself

My son has been in school for 4 days, of those I've walked him to school 1 time (I'm not a morning person, at all), I've met him for lunch 3 days (it took all I had but I reframed yesterday), and walked him home all 4 days.

Hubby is complaining. Your treating him like a baby, you're coddling, him, I bet you're embarrassing him, blah, blah, blah. First, you have to understand hubby. He's ex Air Force (probably said enough there), macho macho man complete with the buzz hair cut, totally top gun material (wait that's the Navy, he'd be mortified) It's why I fell in love with him!

But, I just can't help myself. We've spent the whole summer having soooo much fun with the kids and now that school has taken my little man away.

In just a few short weeks, I will be buried up to my ears with work. It will take me out of town, definitely away from home in the afternoons/early evenings, basically consume me. I'll forget I even have kids. Now don't feel sorry for me, I choose that. I love my work so you see I just can't help myself there either.

But until then, I will make every excuse in the world to meet him for lunch with the Avatar Fruit Snacks in hand which I purposely "forgot" to put in his lunch box and will wait outside his classroom door standing where little man can see me as I watch him make those cute, little embarrased faces. (Yes, I've had teacher shut the door on me before, is that a hint?)

It's true, the cafeteria workers, teachers, counselor, office personnel, principal, and custodian all know me by name. Shouldn't that mean I'm such the supermom instead of that compulsive, overly obsessed woman from across the street?

Did I mention, I just can't help myself?

One last thing, each evening I plan out a new diet which will start the following morning. However, It all is ruined by donuts, I mean breakfast the next day.

I don't get it, I'm such a terrible role model. I mean, I preach to little man about self-control. I say, "you are in control of your actions, there's no excuses."

Keeping that in mind, I did have a South Beach Diet Breakfast Wrap this morning which would have been good if I had not eaten the donut beforehand. (white powder donuts bought yesterday for little man which he didn't even eat this morning)

Wait it gets worse....... I'm hungry and it's not even 12:00, yes I know I just ate breakfast at 10:00..... so as I'm waiting for that self-control thing to show up, I'm eating my left over chocolate birthday cake, yummmmm.

Finally, here comes self-control, I grab a South Beach Lunch Wrap from the freezer. As I'm opening it, out plops a brick hard sugar-free Jello container. I've just figured out that these frozen entrees are not suppose to be frozen. Oh well, I'll just warm everything up, eat a few more bites of that cake while a wait, and by the way did you know that mayo doesn't freeze?

Inside the Entree box, the South Beach Diet people have put some words of wisdom. Walk the talk! Even short periods of physical activity, such as walking with a friend at lunch, can help you to balance the calories you consume. So, I've completely got that covered b/c I'm walking back and forth to the school at least 2 times a day. Don't plan on stopping that any time soon cuz I'm balancing my calories. I've got to tell my husband that.

I've got to go so I can plan out a new diet starting at dinner. I just can't help myself.........


SuperMom said…
Girl!!! Who knew you were such a great storyteller?!!

Self control. I lost that along with my mind when I had baby #3.

Who am I kidding? I've never had either.

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