Okay, I just have to write about yesterday's exciting trip to the mall.

Sunday morning, I actually went to church, and believe me that's totally amazing in itself but even bigger is my hubby volunteered to go with us. Did I say volunteered, wow. We had a good time, I saw all the girls from Thursday night (Girls Night Out at the Honky Tonk), kids had a ball with the best Sunday School Teacher ever (she's a pretty good line dancer too) It was great!

We went to Fudrucker's afterwards, I love their burgers and fries. It doesn't get much better than this And then the clouds moved in as a sign of things to come.

We went to the mall, I need to replace holy panties and lumpy bras, but there's a problem I hate shopping for them. I don't know why, I always have hated it. Hubby wants to go to Victoria Secret, did I mention those stores make me uncomfortable. So, we are enjoying all the stores heading towards Victoria Secret, my favorite being the one with the massage chairs, which I test drove the cadillac of massage chairs....everyone having a pretty good time.

We make it to Victoria Secret.....We go into the store on the perfume side, I have no problems on that side, it's the other side that bothers me. Forcing myself, I start thumbing through bra's while the kids are running around acting like wild lunitics and my hubby tellling me to ask for his opinion on each undergarment.

Meanwhile, in my mind I'm thinking....Okay, it's my B-Day money in which I"m suppose to have fun spending and this is not any fun for me, at all. He's picking up on my uncomfortable state and so he makes a feable attempt to "fix" the situation and says why don't you have the sales lady measure you?

Cue - loud thunder and lightening followed by an immediate downpour! I can't believe he said that, first of all if I don't know my size by 35 yrs old, something is wrong, secondly even if I didn't know, I'm not going to subject myself to the embarrassment of having little Miss. Twenty-something tootbpick with the belly-button ring surrounded by all the enormous pictures of big boobed rail thin supermodels all over the place, measure me. I'm thinking sure thing, right after the chipindale hunks measure your ding-a-ling-a -ling.

Needless to say, I grab the lunitic children and head for the door, I'm done. I make a Bee line for the Ice Cream store, however I'm not sure even that will make a difference. As we leave the store, me with tears starting to form in my eyes and hubby mentally trying to figure out what just happened, we run into the pastor of the church we attended this morning. Oh great, it can't get any better. We play it off, I think and resume our march to the ice cream store.

Once we're seated, kids busy making a mess with the ice cream, hubby asks what just happened, please explain. I blow him off with, you just wouldn't understand. That's not good enough for him so I let him have it. I'm not sure exactly what I said but the people next to us got up and quickly moved away.

The jist of it was First of all, I'm a bargain shopper and to spend $100.00 for 2 bras and 3 panties makes me sick, b/c I can go to Foley's, Dillards, or even Walmart and find the same damn thing with the exception of the name for $10 - $15. Secondly, I coulld spend $500.00 in that store and I will not look like those rail thin, big boobed supermodels in the commercials, hello.....

I called one of my best friends for support, she thinks I"m going through a mid-life crisis, how depressing, does that mean I'm at mid-life, surely not b/c that's soooooo freakin old.

Yes, I will eventually replace my undergarments but it will be on my terms, when I'm totally in the mood, and
heavily medicated......


jesprincess said…
I LOVE VS. I will come get you all good and liquored up then we will go there. You won't know how much you spent and you'll love the bras when you wake up! Sound good? Also, you are adorable!

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