"Come In, Berlin . . . Come In, Berlin"

So, you ask what is with me and my hang-up with Victoria Secret? WELL, Let me tell you. When I was but a young, impressionable girl of 11ish, an event happened that so changed my life forever.

My dad took my sister, then 13ish, and I shopping. Thinking back, I can't remember if my step-mom was there or not. (They say you purposely have mental blocks when you experience something so traumatic)

My sister needed a bra, could possibly have even been her first. As she was looking through the different sizes, trying to muster the courage to approach the sales lady about trying one on, that's when it happened.

My dad grabs the biggest bra ever seen, straps it to his head, and starts flying around the store saying, "Come In Berlin . . . Come in Berlin."

And now you know, the rest of the story.

Yes, it is a true story. Although I don't think it had any impact on my current dilemma with V.S., I thought it would make a terrific blog. You might think that now you've heard the most obnoxious dad story ever, oh no, I have more.

Thanks, Dad for teaching me never to take life too seriously and when all else fails, laugh.
I love you!


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