A Pirates Tale

I walked over to get my son from school. Our home is right behind the cutest, little country school. One thing I find incredibly adorable about my son is his facial expressions, they're the best. When he see's me waiting outside his classroom, he gets embarrassed. His eyebrows raise, his mouth makes an oval shape, while his eyes dart back and forth to see if anyone is watching. He does this over and over. While I could be sad of his embarrassment of me, I'm instead too busy smiling and laughing, sooo proud that he's mine.

We walk home, get a snack, and he begins his homework while I look through the papers in his backpack. Now remember, when he tries to be funny, it definitely doesn't work but when he's not trying, he's hysterical. Here's a story he wrote today in class;
My Pireet Tale
Me and Dad saled.
Ahed was fog
We sol (saw) a Pireit
We ran ane hid and I sol Dad wocking
the planek (plank)
I bet (beat) them up
We had sam (some) rump
I asked him what that last word was, he said rump. Mom, Don't pirates drink rump.
Couldn't you just eat him up!


SuperMom said…
SuperMom said…
Makes me want a rump and Coke :-)
jesprincess said…
I could always use some good rump. That's so great. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to find this online in a couple of years.

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