Manicures, Massages, and Margaritas

Mom's been in hospital since Friday. Safety net feels good. Think everything is going well. She's continued to run fever of 100 to 102. Blood Pressure 105/46 at 5:00 today (normal is 120/80), pulse rate tonight is 110(normal is 78). Nurse says elevated pulse rate is from pain and anxiety. Not sure about low blood pressure, dehydration is not a problem b/c she's getting fluid from IV regularly. She's had 4 units blood (think red blood cells, hemoglobin) on Saturday. Urine specimens and blood tests have all come back clean until today. They are taking blood from PICC and blood straight from arm. Blood from PICC showed infection (Gram and Cocci in clusters) not sure what that means but nurse wrote it down for me. They gave her antibotic shot called vancomycin for that. they are giving other antibiotics; Alvelox, Mystatin and Flogyl. She had a phosphorus drip in IV earlier today b/c low electrolytes. Tonight, nurse gave her MS contin- extended morphine, dildaudid (more pain stuff) and an ambian to sleep. Amazing friends are helping, I'm calmer, and mom's in good hands as she gets better.

Speaking of amazing friends, Mom's friend stayed with Mom all day Saturday and Sunday. I instantly loved her; she's a psychiatrist, has a great accent and is from Texas (enough said). She brings peaceful calm into the hospital room and gently reminds Mom (and me) that God is healing Mom's body, that He loves us and is leading us through to the other side. She gets Mom talking and remembering life before Cancer which is so important. This whole thing is so consuming that we've lost sight of life before or after this horrible, disgusting disease.

I know that tomorrow afternoon, I'll need a shower and break. I reached out through a text message to my friend who has already done so much for more help.

She responded back with this; I'll be there as soon as I get off work. No problem, it's a honor and a blessing that you and God trust me enough! I am truly humble to get to have you and all your family in our lives. Don't be afraid to ask me for anything, that's what friends are for. When make it to the other side, Mom and all us girls on Mom's team must have a day of beauty, massages, pedicures, The Works!

I responded; N tears, thank u. You all are unbelievably amazing. I angrily told God that nothing good is in this. I'm wrong, amazing friends are shining through all the crap, literal crap! u r all beautiful. Cheers to manicures, massages, and margaritas n near future.

Funny moment: When Mom's good friend was here taking care of her, Mom was dreaming and mumbled something about being in Jamaica. Big jump from dreams about McDonald's last week. Also while heavily medicated this morning around 2:30, Mom asked "what kind of place is this." I answered, "a hospital." She said, "Well get me my glasses and their book so I can see what services they have to offer." (she's ready for spa services too)

Off the subject; Baby Girl said "Mom put your hand right here, can you feel my heart beeping?" Saturday night, friends little girl said, "Look, there's a lightening bug in your pocket." My pocket was lighting up each second. I just about came out of my shorts right there in front of everyone, then realized it was just my cell phone. My anxiety over bugs is really out of control.


Barbara's blog said…
I'm so glad Carol's in the hospital. She must have needed more help than the oncology nurses were giving you. It's good for you and Bob, too. It is hard to see good in anything this horrible, but God does promise to bring good to us in all situations. I was surprised to see your post on my blog. I'll save your comment and give it to your mom when she's well.
Anonymous said…
Michelle, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. We all just heard. What hospital is she in?

Melanie (Bracken) Hiatt
Anonymous said…
The Texas Psychiatrist, aka Dr. Feel. Yep, it's a fact that we finally sang Carol to sleep and rubbed her prickly little head until she drifted off. Looked happy as a pig in Sunshine. Three minutes after she dozed, a foreign speaking clinic person came to deliver her lunch and said "deener!!!" in that non-
Texas tone and I quickly put my first finger to my lips as if to say "shhhhhhhh" the foreigner put the tray of food in the chair and tip-toed through the tulips to right where she came from. Once she was gone, Carol, still asleep said "she's gone to Jamaica!" and continued snoring.
It's been a trip serving Carol. When the three or four of us are all there at the same time, it feels like the Ya Ya Sisterhood, and you know, that's gotta feel goooooooood. Once this is all over, I think we're gonna steal away to Tiajuana or least we laugh about it.
Michelle has been so awesome in keeping us in touch (while we are at our day jobs) with what is going on. It sure seems true that the real joy is in giving.....
Texas Psych said…
Good morning all! I was thinking about "what good" there is in all this........Scripture says when we are WEAK, then He is strong (or is that just a song?) Anyway, when we are strong, often we don't feel our need for hIM.....and we've all become WEAK and our need has increased 100-fold for His strength....and we've been able to see Him provide, lead, guide, and refresh our energies. Maybe the "good" in this is more about Him than us. However, Carol is normally a strong woman, but all of us have to learn how to let others care for us.....Her strength has risen up several times that I saw. Even though she had no apetite what-so-ever, she told me she knew she HAD to eat to build her strength, and she made herself nourish herself. Now THAT'S the strong Carol. She gave us the precious honor of serving her. I've seen it so many, many times that in any circumstance, death, hardship, cancer, divorce, or deep loss, that much good comes out of it. Sometimes it just takes awhile before it surfaces. God's ways are balanced. In everything, give thanks, because there is an even amount of "bad" as there is good. The Father has positioned all of us to be at this point in life to help each other....He has always known this time was coming. This cancer was no surprise to Him and Carol's recovery and ministry(if you will) once it is over will be no surprise to Him either.
Anonymous said…
I just sent out an email to my big mom's group for prayer for your mom and whole family. We love you guys!
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