
I think my dad missed his calling, he should have been a meteorologist and work for the Weather Channel. He spends hours watching it not for the somewhat interesting stories of people surviving wild weather but instead all the weather people and their radars, maps, and lingo.

So, here's to the weather. The first weekend in April, we had a blizzard. The biggest snow of the season (6+ inches) On the phone, Paw G suggested that Little Man go out and make a snowman (thanks Dad). So Little Man and I stuffed ourselves into our snow apparel to brave the elements. We built not one but four snowmen (1 for each member of the family). Hubby and the neighbors found it very comical watching us try to stack the gigantic snowballs. Baby girl was at Grandma's house and played in the snow there. Here's some pictures of Little Man and his fun in the snow.

The snow melted in record time with temperatures rebounding the next day to the mid 60's.

Over the past few days, we've had tornado threats and wind gusts up to 60mph. Hubby is over at Grandma's house right now helping Paw Paw fix shingles the wind ripped off last night. As if teaching t-ball to 5, 6, and 7 year olds isn't tough enough, try doing it in hurricane winds. We spend more time chasing their hats then the softballs.

For the past 2 evenings, we've had alot of smoke outside our house from nearby fires. Yesterday in the city, over 30 houses burned to the ground. With the crazy wind, the firemen don't stand a chance. And don't even get me started on allergies. Little Man is demanding I take him to the doctor for stronger allergy medicine. I've tried to convince him that we are all just stuck with the sneezes, plugged sinuses, and itchy red, swollen eyes until the weather gets better. He's not buying it.

Speaking of weather, I know that sometimes as now the weather warrants an in depth conversation particularly when it's somehow threatening. But, more and more, it's all dad wants to talk about. Generally our conversations start with the area highs and lows, followed by the average monthly rainfall, and ending with the extended forecast.

I remember Mom and Dad complaining about visiting with Grandpa. He worked at the local grocery store and always wanted to talk about the cost of tomatoes. I can understand how they felt. It sometimes feels like dad doesn't really want to know what's going on in my life or me to know what's going on in his, so he fills the idle chit chat with somthing as mundane as the weather.

Truthfully, the weather is not mundane to him, he has always cared about me as much as anyone, and so I shouldn't read more into it than that. (Most days I don't)

So, now I've got to get a move on for the school Easter parties. The Easter Egg Hunt should be interesting under partly cloudy skies, moderate temperatures and gentle wind gusts up to 40 mph. They are gonna be literally chasing their plastic eggs all over the playground.

On a positive note, Easter Sunday is suppose to be cold and rainy which is perfect for Baby Girl's Easter dress. I bought 3 Christmas dresses at Macy's on clearance for $3.99 each. All of their Easter dresses are so cute but soooo expensive. She especially had her heart set on a polka dot dress that reminded of the one Julia Roberts wore in Pretty Woman. It was close to $40 bucks. Anyway, I decided that Baby Girl will be oh so cute and comfortable with the cooler temperatures in one of the Christmas dresses this Easter Sunday.

Gotta love our weather!


Barbara's blog said…
I don't miss that crazy Oklahoma weather at all. I just miss the Okies. Give your crazy daddy a hug and try to remember that one day you'll be there and your kids will be writing their blog about their crazeemommy.
Lana said…
Kids having great fun in snow!! You got really nice dresses from Macys at reasonable price on Christmas!!

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