
I really think she is having spasms and not constipation. If she were blocked, I would think she would constantly hurt until the blockage was released, especially continual stomach pain. Her pain and feeling of needing to go comes in waves. She has diarhea each and every time she goes to the toilet at least 30 to 40 plus times a day. When it climaxes usually in the last hour before she can recieve her next dose of oxycodone, her pain goes off the charts. She either starts shaking uncontrollably and if someone isn't in the room, yells for help or she loses her head and starts racing around the house out of her head not being rational. At this point she starts hunting the pill bottles for something more to take to make her go to the bathroom. When we got to radiation, I didn't think she'd meet with the radiologist so I asked the front desk if I could possibly ask her a quick question. They said to flag down the nurse (the one we don't like) and ask her to speak with the doc. Anyway, the radiologist appeared before the nurse. Weird, I don't know whether to say something or wait so not to cause a rift for not following the chain of command. I asked her if I could have a couple of minutes, she obliged. She listened to me describe the pain, my thoughts on what's going on, and the information I received from Joy on-line about the spasms. I was very calm (more like half dead from desperation and lack of sleep) as I explained. She looked agitated and said take her to the ER. I think she thinks I'm just too high maintanance and is ready to pass us along. I asked her if we could try Clonazapam like Joy used for spasms. She said they don't prescribe that for radiation patients. She didn't say you're on a wild goose chase or yes spasms could be the culprit. She's just ready to wash her hands of us. At that point the radiation technician walked mom past us to put her in a room to see the radiologist. If I'd known we were going to meet, I wouldn't have tried to speak to her beforehand. Mom and I waiteed in the examination room for 30 to 40 minutes. She finally came in and said that it sounds like she has something called tenesmus which causes a false sense of needing to go and anal spasms. She said she didn't know why she didn't think of it before. She would prescribe proctofoam to inject into her butt and that it would help combat the spasms. She didn't talk to me unless I directly spoke to her. She didn't say anything about the conversation we had in the hallway, it was like it just dawned on her that maybe it's spasms caused by tenesmus. It's just a completely weird feeling, but she gave mom a hug before we left which I'm grateful. She says boost radiation starts tomorrow and that mom should experience immediate relief. Mom's hanging on those words which scares me b/c Belle has posted her relief did not come for 2 weeks after radiation stopped. 8 more radiation hits.I did call the onc nurse to see if she'd prescribe the clonazapam but she called during the radiation when I have to turn off cell phone due to radiation machines. She did not leave a msg or call back. I'll try her again tomorrow if this other stuff doesn't work. By the way proctofoam is put directly inside her bottom. She can't do it and the first time I really had a hard time finding the hole b/c of the hemmoroids and swelling. (tmi, I'm sorry) I'm scared to call more than absolutely is necessary b/c they are treating me like the boy who called wolf too many times. This afternoon mom woke up with extreme pain, she was shaking uncontrollably and yelled for help. It was 20 minutes until time for next dose of oxycodone. Dad had her swallow one pill and chew the other one up for quicker relief (thanks Bradyr) Dad and I agreed that we'd up the dose without calling the doc to 2 pills every 3 hours instead of trying to wait 4 hrs. I'm just not giving up! Each and every time she takes a dive from whatever, I'll keep trying to find a better way. I just can't accept that nothing can be done. thank you, thank you, thank you.Oh, my friend is giving me numbers to call for in-home help. It's hard to committ to doing that, letting a stranger come. Another friend is checking on a cleaning service. This friend came on Sat. and cleaned the bathroom (so awesome) but with all the accidents, I'm scared we are all walking around in ecoli. I clean it with 409 but I just don't have the energy to do a deep clean which I think it needs. A friend of Mom's says she wants to help and is coming on Saturday. If it works out maybe she'll help on weekends to give dad and I a break.


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