Night of the Living Dead

The last few days have been really bad and last night made really bad look like a walk in the park. I want to update everyone but I've got to keep it short b/c I'm running a little to no sleep. Saturday, Mom was in a lot of pain and last night was the worse yet. Yesterday afternoon, major stomach cramps hit, Mom intensely needed to have a bowel movement and was blocked. It came and went in waves, like spasms and increased in duration into the night. She was able to get some out, it was terribly hard and caused rips and hemmoroids. What's weird is that she obviously is constipated but at the same time has major diahrea. When the urge hit, she had no control and could not make it to the toilet every time. Remember, she gave up underwear weeks ago. She took the hydrocodeine at 5:00 but then did not take any for the rest of the night/morning. I'm the pain pill enforcer. Last night, I thought I really messed up and was the cause of her intense pain and suffering. I couldn't make her take the pain med and as the night wore on, her pain was off the chart. I've never seen someone is so much pain and there was absolutely nothing I could do. The more I tried to help, the more aggrivated she became with me. I just kept trying to help her go between the toilet and then to the tub to clean. In between the waves, she'd lay on the bathroom floor at times furiously praying and then swearing she would not make it through the night. I was in panic mode by 4:00am and called the nurse on call. She said to go get suppository and fleet enema if it didn't help to take her to the emergency room. Dad stayed with Mom and I ran into town in the middle of a thunderstorm to get the stuff. When I got to Walmart, it was pitch black. They had lost power and did not even have the back up generators working. The store was completely dark and the doors were locked. I tried the other 2 drug stores, but they weren't open either. I drove into the city, found a Walgreens and probably an hour later made it back to the house. At this point, she is totally spent, dyhydrated, lathargic, and completely numb by pain. Long story short, my husband drove all of us to the hospital. We went to the radiologist thinking she could possibly expediate the emergency room visit. While she was looking Mom over, Mom felt the urge. I quickly start wheeling her towards the bathroom. We didn't make it. It got all over her clothes, down her legs, pretty much everywhere. Something funny looking back is that the radiologist yelled out to us as we're racing down the hallway do you want Idiot Nurse to help? Mom and I yell back in unison, NO! Anyway, I grabbed hospital gowns from the radiation dressing room and she made a skirt out of it. The radiologist said to go to the oncologist down the road that she couldn't have her admitted to the hospital. The oncologist didn't want to admit her b/c the risk of infection in the hospital. In between runs to the bathroom, Mom got an IV of fluids, 2 things of morophone which still didn't take the pain away if you can imagine, and sent us home. While there her temp was 99.6 and bloodpressure 97/58. By the way, we got a prescription of oxycodone 5mg. She can take 1 to 2 pills every 4 hours. It is awesome, a miracle drug! She's taking a stool softner and suppository. Oh, I hope tonight is better, much better.


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