Going Home Postponed

Not all the doctors agreed on Mom going home quite yet. While the pain is there, there's a world of difference in today from last Friday when she was admitted. The one doctor is still concerned b/c the low grade fever. Although Mom is disappointed, I told her the pain meds here are much better than at home so staying is not all bad.

We just finished lunch, we both stuffed ourselves silly. Hospital food is strange. It is either really, really good or really, really bad. There's no in between. Right now, Mom is in bed putting on the make-up given to her by the American Cancer Society's Look Good, Feel Better Program.

What a difference 1 week makes! Watch out, Mom's back!


Barbara's blog said…
Praise the Lord! You know a woman is getting better when she puts on make up.
Texas Psych said…
Talked to the Dynamic daughter tonight and she shared her and Carols' "secret recipe" for getting Carol home. Carol now wants to go home and face the world through non-rose-colored glasses and wake up in her bed every day as she heals a little at a time....saying "The wonder working power of the Holy spirit is working in me 24 hours a day!!!"
The sisterhood will remind her daily to call those things that be not as though they were. God is on her side (always has been) and she recognizes that what the devil meant for evil, God is using for her good. She is a changed woman inside. She has learned one of life's most important lessons; learning to let others completely and totally take care of her. She has learned how to be physically and emotionally vulnerable to loving others and allowing them to love and serve her. She has seen the rewards of that. Many of us know how to serve others, but have not learned to let others serve us. She has grown so much in this ordeal and it's a beautiful thing to have been an eye witness to the cocoon breaking open and see that beautiful butterfly emerge with all those wonderful colors and new characteristics. I suspect she has truly never been a butterfly before. She has been wrapped in her own chosen cocoon and the cancer only seemingly served to envelope her more with plans to separate her from her freedom and the will of God in her life. Carol watched as LOVE helped her break through that cocoon.....LOVE made a way. LOVE is stronger than hate or evil and there was much love given to Carol from the website friends, those email friends who helped lead and guide Michelle, the "angels" that showed up at the hospital as doctors, nurses, and technicians (not all of them:( ) Family members, Michelle's husband who set her free without restriction to care for her mom while he played single parent to their children, her children who made good use of daddy in her absence, and of course, the Ya Ya sisterhood who found the bright sides of this segue to the other side and nourished her with positive, upbeat environments (shifts). Of course Carol, herself, made choices to live and not die. Carol's humor came alive and gave her strength, just as scripture says: "A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones." And Prov. 4:20 which says...."...give attention to my words, incline your ear to my sayings, do not let (let=a choice)them depart from your eyes, keep them in the midst of your heart (where faith is) for they are LIFE to those who find them and HEALTH to all their flesh. keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of LIFE........" by Carol CHOOSING to be vulnerable to love,
(she could have refused), her spiritual eyes now see a much deeper and greater vision than before. She had the Word in her heart and God supplied everything she needed when she needed it, just as He will for all of us when we keep our hearts set on Him. Carol's life is changed, and Carol's changed life changed all those who were honored to serve her. I know mine has.

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