Monday Evening

One of the sisters from the Ya Ya Sisterhood; Monday evening.

If I could talk to you now. Things I would say to you.

Your mom is funny. She called me Melissa. When Cathy called the conversation went like this
Cathy – Is Michelle there?
Mom – No
Cathy – Is Bob there?
Mom – No
Cathy – Is Ginger there?
Mom – No
Cathy – Well who is there?
Mom – Melissa
Cathy – Well is someone there that is not taking drugs?

I got the phone. Cathy talked a few minutes. I love this woman and I don’t even know her. She is so funny cant wait till girls day out with her…..

She ask that I call her back and I told her I would what time is to late she said she was just driving back from Muskogee and was going home to dye her hair. I told Mom that Cathy was going to color her hair what color does she want it. Mom said will it wash out? I said yeah so she said “well its almost 4th of July – what about red, white and blue” So I told Cathy. Also, Cathy ask if you were coming back tonight I said “yeah but, she didn’t even get out of her til 6:30 cause you showing me how to do the ky. I was trying to explain it to Cathy and I said the only way I know how to say it is just to say it. The lip got stuck to the skin and you have to kind of try to wedge between the lip and skin with ky. Cathy thought I was talking about your lips on your face. Not even your moms. I wanted to laugh so hard.

If she is home and comes to the 4th (MOM) I am going to try to find some red/white/blue wig for all us girls (sam, you, me, cathy) to come out in. Wouldn’t that be funny?

Your mom is always worried about everyone else but herself. She always ask little things to me. Like last time it was how did I meet my husband? Tonight she ask me what I liked most about being a mom? I said that my kids think I am perfect. Even though I am far from it and eventually they will realize that I am not. Then I said really the love I get from my kids is unbelievable. I ask her the same questions. She said grandkids!

Your guys are so lucky to have a loving family. Brian and I were not raised in a huggy kissy family. I know Brian was hurt yesterday. We have been in our house for almost 5 months (can you believe it). His dad came for the first time yesterday for about 45 minutes. I had invited Charles over because Brian’s dad used to be Charles boss. Charles might have stayed 15 minutes. He talked to Charles more in that 15 minutes than he did Brian the whole time he was there. He never once said our home was nice, pretty, ugly nothing. He told Brian when he was giving him the tour that its big. Nothing else. Then we walk out in the yard for them to leave and he says which one is Charles house

Brian told him and he said that Charles house was really nice he had a beautiful yard and everything. Not that Brian or I am jealous. I just know it hurts Brian to know his dad cant be proud of him.

I think I am losing my mind I cant believe I wrote that check wrong. I will never hear the end

Its 9:00 and your mom is snoring…….. I am getting madder by the minute your mom has ran fever since 6:50 (right before shift change) they still as of 9:10 havn’t given her anything. I have ask and ask and ask. At least 5 times. Now she wants something for pain so I have ask for the last hour and still nothing. I have even talked to the nurse to her face and she wrote it on her hand. What good is that doing its not doing nothing for the pain.

I did also ask your mom tonight while putting medicine on her woo-ha what trip is she going to take when this is all over. Did she have one planed. She said no not really but it will be somewhere in Puerta Vallarta.


Barbara's blog said…
Get her out of that place!
I know the Cancer Treatment Center is so good because that's where my husband was. They brought him his meds before he had to ask for them. I wish I was there to help. Is it a case of insurance that she can't be moved? This is breaking my heart, too, as I know it is yours.
David Broadus said…

Thanks for setting this up so all of Carol's friends far and wide can keep up with her progress without bugging family members.

BTW--Kathy spells her name with a "K" and not a "C"--minor point but thought the last poster would want to know.

Keep up the good posts.

Texas Psych said…
See, everyone? Even in the midst of what seems to be a terrible thing, we can minister love. laughter, and fun!!! Now you critics don't get sacred on least not until you spend a night or two with Carol...then you will have a better understanding. the most wonderful thing occured on "my shift" and that was (actually there were sevral things)...1) Carol asked "{when do you think they're gonna let me outta here?" She's been very apprehensive about leaving b/c of her pain levels without potential quick-draw-McGraw pain relief, and 2) she's a different woman now....and you'd have to be there to understand. She was once a cocoon, and now she is a butterfly. I will NEVER forget this time, and I will treasure that I was personally there to share it with her. She's an absolutely amazing woman.

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