Blessed Sleep

Just want everyone to know that last night was better. Since at least last Saturday night, as you've read, nights are bad. She's up every 20 to 30 minutes going to the bathroom with terrible pain and anxiety which seemed to build to out of control proportions as the night drug on. It left her totally exhausted and discouraged by morning. I don't think the symptoms are necessarily worse at night than during the day, it's just more frustrating for mom at night because she wants to sleep.

Yesterday, the radiologist prescribed some butt foam to relieve the pain (she nonchalantly said as she wrote the prescription, I don't know why I didn't think of it before. It would not have even occurred to her then if I hadn't been so insistent, what's wrong with these docs)

Anyway, the combination of butt foam and increased dosage of pain meds worked, and she slept for longer stretches of time, 2 to 3 hours at a time, YES!!!!!!!!!!! When she woke up she said that last night was so much better, YES, YES, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Okay, so this was last night;
6:00pm - Anxiety pill - it also helps with sleep
7:00 pm - 2 pain pills - after an hour when med is in full force, we conquer the bathtub
8:00 - Butt Cream
9:00 - 11:35 - slept soundly zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
11:40 pm - Woke Mom for 2 Tylenol for temp 102.7, 2 pain meds and back to sleep
1:10 am - temp coming down - 101.46 and bathroom trips, pain, and anxiety increasing as nights before
1:45 am - Butt Foam
2:30 - Tramadol (for Inflammation), Lorazapam (for anxiety)
3:00 am - 2 Pain Pills
3:00 - 6:30 - Blessed Uninterrupted Sleep ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
6:30am -2 Tylenol - temp 100.3 and falling
6:30 am - 2 pain pills
6:30 - 8:00 - And More Sleep zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
8:00 - She conquered the tub - getting clean for radiation
9:00 - She ate toast (she has not eaten solid food since Sunday morning only clear liquids)
9:00 - Levaquinn - Antibiotic for infection
9:00 - Flucanazole - Antibiotic for thrush (yeast in mouth)
9:00 - Lorazapam - Anxiety (to help handle today's radiation at 10:30)
9:00 - Tramadol (Inflammation)
9:00 - Prilosec - (Heart Burn which is a major problem)
9:15 - I had a shower, YIPEEEE - Mom says that as a patient she deserves a hygiene conscience caregiver - I guess 3 days without is long enough, I told her if she gets lucky I might even brush my teeth, but that's all no shaving, make-up, styled hair, etc....that's where I draw the line.

9:30 - off to radiation
9:45 - 2 more pain pills

Bottom line, there were no out of control moments, pain was managed throughout the night and we slept much better. She woke up so encouraged, what a great feeling!

I want to describe today's radiation treatment (Boost has arrived) and talk a little about the cool valet guy and soccer mom but I need to go check on her and the medicine schedule.

check back later :)


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