Warning, It Gets Deep!

At church last Sunday, we were put into groups to discuss one key person in our life that was a friend who stuck closer than a brother. You know, someone who came along during a dark time in life offering support, love, and guidance. Someone that radiated light during a dark time.

We actually had a whole week to come up with that one person. He gave us the assignment the Sunday before, we were even suppose to bring a picture of that special someone. Sounds easy, but not for me.

I spent time throughout the week contemplating who that person was in my life. I actually drove to church that morning without a specific person in mind. Several times throughout the week, I broke into tears because there's not been one person that fits that description. There's a zillion! Many have flooded my life in the shape of family, friends, church members, schoolmates, and those I met at work. Some were intentionally living a life that pointed to God, others, not even aware, were shining with the love of God all over them.

I know there are extremely lonely people in the world who are left to face their problems completely on their own. I remember Tom, a friend of the family, who was this person. He started attending our church b/c he was so lonely. He said that he'd go days without so much as even a touch from another person. To me, that would be torture. Our pastor at the time said that to be healthy, you must be touched 7 times a day. I probably need three times that.

Our church at the time was the most amazing church. It embraced all people regardless of their color, religion, status, or circumstance. You felt the love from the moment you hit the door. The love was never fake, it was 100% genuine. The pastor gave the best sermons, even better was the music, but I'm convinced what kept the place packed was the love you felt from the people inside.

Okay, I kinda have wandered off track. But, looking back over my life, I'm not sure that I've ever felt this loneliness. (Here come the tears) There have been many dark roads that I have chosen to walk down throughout my life (why I don't know, except sure stupidity). In all honesty, I should have completely been alienated and left 100% alone. But, He was always there loving me.

I don't know if I have the words to describe what I feel, but I'll try. I'm completely overwhelmed with the love pouring from Him, flooding beautiful people in my path, destined to rain all over me. Amazing love that I'm not sure if I'll ever understand. I mean, why me?

It reminds me of a song, like to hear it, here it goes! (I know, everything reminds me of a song)

Father's eyes are watching me, no matter what I do
He's always got me own His mind, he's a parent through and through
Like a daddy in a noisy crowd, when I cry He knows my voice
I'm flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone
I don't really have a choice
Because He loves me so much
He can't keep His eyes off me
And you should see the way He smiles at me when they say
I look like Him
His arms are so big, that where I'm at that's where He'll be
He loves me so much, He just can't keep His eyes off me
This realization means so much to me that I'm now creating a series of blogs. I think it should be titled Amazing Love. It will showcase those, from years past and today, who have shown me His Amazing Love. My prayer is that from these examples, I can learn to show His love to others, as so many have shown to me.


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