Ants in yor pans

Little man came home with a story he wrote at school.

Ants in yor pans
by Little Man
ants in my
frends pans.
Ty has ten ants in his pans.
I Do, too.
Ty has ants pans.
Ants in yor pans Make you
Do the Boogee Dans
Isn't he sooo cute and check out that punctuation. He was just beaming with pride as he told me about school today.
He said that's he's in reading group #3, that's the best!!! Last year he was in group #2. He says, "Now, all my dreams have come true b/c I'm in the best reading group". We didn't read at home much last year, I was so busy with work and Daddy's motto is "Why read, when you can see the movie."
Okay, so I wasn't the best last year (did I say I run a tutoring program specializing in reading, oh the guilt).
My redemption, this summer when we were in town, my kids participated in the library program. Little Man read over 100 books, sister had probably twice than that read to her (she wants the same book read over and over and over)
Right now, I'm here everyday after school and am active in Little Man's homework lessons. T1 (transitional first grade) has him way ahead in class. Now the problem is keeping him challenged rather than trying to play catch up. What a great problem to have!
So I'm giving him extra math assignments and I'm paying him to read, something hubby is 100% against. But, I have to motivate him somehow, otherwise video games and gameboy win out every time. You know, I might go broke, but He is Reading!!!!!!!
Life is soon going to get crazy with the start of tutoring, oh please let me juggle work and home better this year. Balance, will I ever find it?


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