Grandma's Coming Home!

This past week has been a struggle. I couldn't quite figure out why . . . Do I have PMS, nope .... Am I too busy with work, nope... I feel tired and 100% drained, but I'm sleeping fine. So what's the deal?

The kids are going crazy, maybe it's the weather change, doubt it. It's been one fight right after another with emotions running wild. Little man has been so moody, baby girl totally defiant, and me a picture of frustration combined with depression. What's going on?

Finally, it hit me like a ton of bricks. We miss Grandma! While I appreciate Grandma, I have not realized, until now, the importance of her role. Baby girl spends the night with Grandma usually twice a week. She gets her Grandma and PawPaw fix which, believe me, is vital to her and my well-being, while I get to spend quality mom/son time with Little Man.

Every weekend, Grandma and PawPaw spend time with us, going out to eat, watching movies, riding 4-wheelers, swimming at the lake, and hanging out in the evenings on the front porch. I not only love these times spent together but equally love the one-on-one time I get with Grandma. She's gives great advice but is even a better listener. She effortlessly runs interference between the kids and I whenever she's around. That's priceless in itself.

Right now, I'm sitting at the computer while Baby Girl is in her room packing. We'll pick them up at the airport this afternoon. She's determined to spend the night at their house. Okay, so I knew Grandma would be missed. I knew it would be a hard week for Baby Girl. But, I did not realize just how hard it would be for me and the impact it would have on the entire family.

It's grandparents Day and the school has invited all the student's grandparents for lunch. Baby Girl and I met Little Man there. Looking around the cafeteria, I saw all sorts of Grandma's and Paw Paw's, but I guarantee none like ours.

I'm so thankful for both, but today especially Grandma. She has great strength combined with such a sweet disposition. Baby girl has this same quality . . . Total confidence in herself, a force to be reckoned with (no one will ever push her around) but, at the same time, this unmistakably tender side.

As a family, we've counted down the days of their return, now the hours, and soon the minutes. Baby girl wants to dress up complete with a cutesy dress, big bow, and painted fingernails. And why not, it's an important occasion, a much anticipated moment. . . Grandma's coming home!


jesprincess said…
That's so sweet. But I do wonder why you didn't plug the bows when you had the chance??? J/K I know when we have an especially trying day we always end up at Mamoo and Doodoo's house.

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