Amazing Love #1

Not that she's Numero Uno on my list of those who've shown me Amazing Love, I've just been thinking about her over the past few days.

My Stepmother, a word that could represent all things wicked and evil, instead represent love and all things beautiful.

I was a snotty-nose runt of a kid, when she came into my life. From toddler to teen, she showed me Amazing Love.

I wasn't the easiest child to love. While I had my good points, I tended to be a little spoiled, demanding, hard-headed, stubborn tyrant who demanded nothing short of Disney Land each and every summer!

By personalities, we were complete opposites. She embodied all that was proper, elegant, and good, completely ladylike from head to toe. She had impeccable style and beauty, truly a picture of perfect etiquette and grace.

While I dreamed of having those qualities, in reality, I was a tomboy, lacking any style whatsoever, a total cluts, an accident waiting for a place to happen.

I liked the music of Hank Williams Jr, she liked Neil Diamond. My favorites were Jaws, Grease, and Indiana Jones, she preferred operas, ballets, and musicals like CATS and the Nutcracker.

If she had been looking, I gave her a million and one reasons to hate me but instead she searched out the ones to love me.

What could have been the worst summers of my life, were instead the best!
  1. Playing on the Slip-N-Slide for hours singing Slip Slid'in Away
  2. Dancing like gypsies adorned with her black slips and red do-rags to Donna Summer's Bad Girls
  3. Work'in Hard for the Money at the All-Day Lemonade Stand with average profit $3.50
  4. Cruiz'in the strip, cool sis riding shot gun, me in the back singing Elvira and Just a Swing'in (With all my loud, obnoxious ways, I never remember her demanding quiet time like I do with my own kids)
  5. Cleaning my plate, NOT! She, my partner in crime, helped many veggies go MIA under the dinner table (not sure if dad ever detected the crime)
  6. Curing the Ugly Duckling Stage (at least for one night) While my sis was on a date, she fixed my hair and make-up and let me model my sister's pageant gowns while she took pics like I was in a photo shoot.

I love her so much. We lost contact many years ago, maybe it was the miles or just busy lives. While so many step-parent relationships end in disaster, thanks to her and her amazing love, ours was beautiful!


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