Sleep, know where I can find some?

It's after four in the morning and I can't get back to sleep. It's becoming a nightly thang. I can go to sleep at midnight and I'll wake up around 3:00. Last night, I went to sleep after 9:00, same thing, up at 3:00. I don't think there's anything more frustrating to me than not sleeping, with the exception of dieting. In the past, I've been quick to blame hubby, but I don't know. I'm kinda seeing a pattern here. Last year, sleep deprivation and head, neck, and shoulder aches were a constant. This summer, a had the occasional bad night, but it was much better. I had almost written it off as I'm cured. But, over the past few weeks, it's come back in full force, same as work. Is there a connection?

I'd rather blame hubby than I can't handle stress. And it's true, he's a loud sleeper. I compare it to the hose of a vacuum, you know the sucking sound it makes if it gets to close to an object. I've tried to talk him into being tested for Sleep Apnea. Hell, I've almost diagnosed the man with that sleep disorder not because he's waking himself up, but He waking me up! I'd win both ways, he'd not be able to make those noises and the machine would be something similar to my fan (which he made me give it up when we married)

Oh, by the way, we've tried snore strips, aroma therapy (we found at the fair, guaranteed to stop snoring, not his), ear plugs, sleeping pills for me, and different mattresses. Just thought of something, when we were in Mexico, he didn't snore. He said, he didn't sleep well, who caares, I slept awesome. So, maybe that's the solution, move to Mexico and let him deal with not sleeping. (better him than me)

I hate to call them headaches b/c it's more like neck, shoulder, and head combined. To me, it goes way past a simple head ache. I've taken migraine pills, you know the ones that taste a little like spearament and dissolve on your tongue. But, unless I'm going to bed, I hate the way it makes me feel. Comatose would be a good adjective. And, on top of that, our insurance doesn't cover meds, another good reason to not take them.

So, what to do? My dad gets up around this time and starts work. There would be perks. . . it's quiet, few distractions, I'd probably get alot accomplished. Only one problem comes to mind, I'm an absolute bear if I haven't had sleep! I take it out on anyone around me. . . hubby, the kids, friends, whomever! I'm totally miserable the next day and become dead set on making as many people around me miserable too.

My solution, at least for tonight, grab the blankets, ibupofen, and the fan. Make a bed in the closet (it's huge) and, hopefully, will myself back to sleep.

*** Spell Check not working and tonight I don't even freak'in care.


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