My Cindy Lou Who

It's Dr. Seuss Week at the kid's school and today they were suppose to dress up as their favorite Dr. Seuss Character. Little Man says he's way too big for dress up, but it was right down Baby Girl's alley. I decided she'd be Cindy Lou Who mainly because the costume would be the easiest to pull off considering I didn't find out about it until Sunday night at 8:00.

Okay, for those of you not well versed in Dr. Seuss, Cindy Lou Who was in the book and movie, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." Truthfully, I don't remember reading the book. I think we saw the movie but I'm not sure.

Anyway, here's what I found on-line, the inspiration for our last minute attempt at a costume.

She's cute, huh. Well, Check out my little Cindy Lou Who! Baby Girl gives a whole new definition to the word cute, if I do say so myself.

She'd made Dr. Seuss himself proud!
What do you think?


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