Little Man

Tonight, the church where Baby Girl plays basketball hosted an end of the season banquet. We hung out eating hotdogs and hamburgers before we went to the sanctuary for the ceremony. As we grabbed a pew on the back row, hubby whispers "Here we go" as it begins. The kids former principal gives the message. I must say, if we had to sit through another "Come to Jesus" sermon, I'm glad it was him. He's so real, down to earth and very much respected in my book. In his message, he showed a video he created with his youth group. It started with 3 girls in a car, it wrecks, and they die. In the next scene they are standing before Peter and the pearly gates. In the end, two of the girl's names are found in the Book of Life and the third is not. She's then immediately grabbed by the Grim Reaper and taken to Hell. I just hate the whole fear factor approach to salvation. Little Man leaned over during the Come to Jesus Alter Call where I must say not in 3 long hymnal verses was even one person saved, and said, "Mom, I don't get it?" I put the talk off all the way home until bedtime stalling to find the right words. I'm not sure what all I said, but in the end we prayed and this is what he got out of tonight.

Out of the mouth of babes;


Barbara's blog said…
I read your blog and Little Man's. He sure has it down, doesn't he? As for the whole scare tactic, I hate it, too. I don't even like to hear anyone talking about the devil and hell. Jesus took care of that at the cross and we don't need to be talking about it any more. Next year, find a new basketball program. Surely the Methodists have one and they'll just play ball and not preach to you.

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