Inner Peace

I have zero inner peace today. It was the first day back from Spring Break. Kids in school should mean peaceful calm, right . . . wrong.

I just started a second round of tutoring in St. Louis so I had 20 student folders to prepare. This includes grading each test, entering into the computer, creating a learning plan, and then getting the materials ready for each student.

Yes, the tests were UPS'd to me last Thursday, so in theory I had more than enough time to have them ready to overnight on Monday for tutoring on Tuesday. In my defense, Baby Girl had a stomach bug on Friday so I wasn't able to get anything done. I ended up grading them Saturday on the way to ride ATV's. I entered them into the computer Sunday evening after church and the T-Ball coaches meeting. That left everything else to be completed on Monday all before T-Ball practice at 3:00. Can you say, stressed out!

It took me until 2:45 to get all the student folders completed. Hubby ran it to UPS for me as I bolted for the school for practice. Practice was tough. First of all, the weather wasn't cooperating. The wind must have gust up to 40 mph. The girl's attention span was non-existent. My star player, Baby Girl. had a total bad attitude and showed it throughout the entire practice. One of my assistant coaches, Dad, was a no show and my other assistant coach, my hubby, was all-around frustrated with our team's progress. Did I mention, our team is made up of 10, five, six and seven year olds who have never played softball before.

I'm blogging when I should be figuring out how I'm gonna survive the rest of the week including sending emails to lead tutors in St. Louis for tomorrow, entering all the data into the district on-line system, tutoring in town this week, volunteering for state test prep at local school for next two weeks, complete a couple of state applications (1 due on Friday), teach Baby Girl to tie her shoes which according to the note sent home today will be tested on this week and show up on her report card Friday and attend Baby Girl's basketball tournament this week at school and T-Ball practice on Thursday.

On a positive note, we are under a Tornado Watch until midnight tonight and there's golf ball size hail just to the west of us.

A friend sent me the email below on inner peace ;

Dr Phil proclaims, 'The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started and have never finished.' So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before the morning was over I finished off a bottle of White Zinfandel, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos, and a box of chocolates. You have no idea how freaking good I feel right now.

Sounds good to me, maybe I can find my inner peace in the fridge and pantry too.


Barbara's blog said…
Hysterical! Don't worry, crazeemommy, you're on the right track and you'll make it! Just think of all the stories you're going to write when you have the time. Life is giving you more than enough material to fill several books.

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