Billy Joel / Elton John Concert

Mom works downtown where everyone's gearing up for the big concert including the churches.
She sent me this email a few minutes ago.

The Westover Baptist church will be demonstrating carrying signs which read "God Hates Fags". What is wrong with these people? Their key scripture is John 3:16

What idiots! Let's all make our own signs "God Hates Baptists" and join the protest.


Barbara's blog said…
How about "God Loves People." What is Westover doing in Tulsa anyway? Did another Baptist church invite them? Is that how they spend their "tithes?" Keep me posted on what goes on with this. If I was there, I'd love to see Billy and Elton in concert. Wonder if these people think these men got their talent from the devil or is it a gift from God? I choose the latter.
Michele said…
How about God Hates People Who Call You Bad Names? That's disgusting.

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