Summer's Gone

It's back to school and work tomorrow. Baby Girl is so excited. She put much thought into her new backpack, lunchbox, and even clothes for the first 2 days of school. I found the cutest dress with matching stockings at Target (I love that store!) and amazingly was able to sway her into choosing the dress over the Hanna Montana T-Shirts. Hubby and I steered away from all things Bratz, even when Little Girl was tempted by her friend down the street. We've bypassed all princess shirts or the big attitude ones like "It's All About Me" and such. Hubby was already to do the same with Hanna Montana but I just couldn't. I've never seen her Disney show or listened to her songs, but the clothes are cute. It's been fun shopping with Little Girl for all things Hanna Montana.

Little Man dreads going back to school. He wants to protest the school, state, Washington, anyone about the corrupt system making summers shorter and shorter each year. He spent all night discussing this travesty. He did get a little excited about his new tennis shoes(Hi-Top Converse like what I wore in the early 80's) , but besides that he's pretty much bummed. Like me, he struggles with change. He's a creature of habit and rarely likes any break from routine. Last night he woke up a couple times feeling nauseous.

Me, I'm pretty much like Little Man, not ready to let summer go. Several of my friends are passed ready for their kids to head back to school, not me I don't want them to go. As if the kids first day of school is not enough, tomorrow I have to drive 6 hours to attend 7 school functions. Even with help, it will be a miracle if I'm able to pull it off. So, I'm just overall stressed, depressed, and all-around bummed.

Mom has more bad days than good. She isn't eating and although the scale doesn't show she's loss more weight (I checked it out myself), she looks tiny. She's nauseous all the time. She uses a suppository (can't think of the name of it but it's not much more than a strong antihistamine). It totally takes away the nausea but it also totally knocks her out. So, basically she's drugged in the bed or up, sober, and sick. Her next PET Scan is August 19th. She'll meet with the doctor on August 26th. Doesn't that stink? We'll once again be left to sit, wonder, and wait for the news. GRRRRRRRR. The system we're stuck in totally sucks!

Mom and I went walking the other day. I meant for us to just walk a little ways down the street and back but we started walking and talking and before you knew, we had covered the whole neighborhood. When we made it back to the house, Dad gave me that look like you knew better. He's right, we walked too much but it was so much fun. I miss our walks and talks. While we were walking, we talked about pretty much everything. All that she'd been through. All that I'd been through. She said that she has no idea how she ever made it through, then the subject turned to the upcoming tests. She said, "Whatever the tests show, I'm not up for any more!" We both fell silent as those words soaked in . . . Worse case scenario, those are pretty tough words, but they are words I completely understand. I was there too! Whatever the case, God's got her and she will be made beautifully whole. Although I lost sight of it for a while, consumed with the Why, I do trust Him completely! No one loves her the way He does (I'll fight for second) and so she's going to be just fine.

The past few weeks we've gone out of town, had family come to visit, and basically tried to cram as much summer as possible into the month of July. I'm sorry for not posting much.


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