She's So Cute

Coming home from St. Louis last Friday night, I stopped by a friends house to pick up her daughter for a sleepover. She was sitting on the front porch with her mama packed and ready to go. She gets in the car as I talk to her mom for just a few minutes. She starts humming, a subtle "okay, anyday now tune. . ." Taking the hint, I give my friend a hug, get in the car, and head home.

It's about a 15 minute drive to the house so I struck up a conversation with Blondie. So, "Are you ready to go" as I back out of the driveway. Her reply with attitude was "YES, I AM!" Smiling I asked, "How was your day at school" she began talking and didn't stop until we pulled in the driveway.

I should take this girl with me to St. Louis. She's so entertaining! Jumping subject to subject all the way home, she had me cracking up.

She said school was great, her teacher is Mrs. McCreedy. Switching gears she let me know she packed her own bag for the sleepover. She said she had her favorite toy. . . 2 of them, a glidescope. I asked, "A Glidescope, what's that?" She said, you know you look through it and see beautiful shapes and colors as you turn it. She went on and said she had her pj's, a webkinz, a new toothbrush, and her notebooks. Then she started describing all the pictures in her notebook. In describing 1 pic, she said, "This is a picture of me with a brain and here's a picture of me with long hair." I ask, "No brain?" Her reply, "Nope, . . . just long hair."

She said she had a purse that she got on her date with daddy. They went to an expensive restaurant for ravioli's but not the kind she likes. She kept talking and before I knew it, we pulled in the driveway.

Later that night, Daddy and I had to get on Baby Girl. Not sure if she was just tired or what, but she was really fussy and whiny acting. As I walked back into Baby Girl's room, I told Blondie, "Sorry to leave you in here by yourself. We had to talk to Baby Girl, does your Mommy and Daddy ever have to do that?" She said, "Not at night." I smiled and said, "You must be perfect." She said, "Yes, well almost." Chuckling as Baby Girl walks into the room, I ask if they were ready for bed. They both said, "NO!" Blondie said she wants to stay up and party all night and then sleep all day in the pool.

They went to sleep at midnight and were up by 7. This girl, she's cute as a button with her bright blond hair, big attitude, and non-stopping confidence.

Saturday, her big brother and little sister joined us for a few hours. That made a total of 6 kids (mine, hers, and Little Man's Best Friend) and I'm happy to report. . . I did not lose my mind. They were actually really good.

Big Brother was really sweet in the pool watching out for his two little sisters. Little Sister is all things baby even though she's 3. She's tiny, talks baby talk, and has the sweetest smile ever. She kept telling me she wanted her "Shoes." I brought them to her but Big Sis finally interpreted, "She wants juice." When Little Sister had to go to the bathroom, I lifted her onto the toilet seat and just about threw her through the roof. When I lift Baby Girl, I really have to put some umph into it. This little girl weighs nothing.

It was a great Friday Sleepover and Saturday Play Date!


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