No Tumors Today!

Mom went to the gastro doctor today. He was the doc that did the colonoscopy and found the tumor back in April. He checked her out and said that he did NOT feel a tumor! (WHAHOO!!!)

She weighed in at 109 pds today. We've spent the past couple of months trying to answer the following questions. Why is she so nauseous, sick and tired? Is it physical, mental, emotional. . . . is she depressed, does she have a fear of food, a fear of medicine. . . why can't she eat, why is her stomach so messed up, when will the diarrhea stop, will life ever be like before? . . . just to name a few.

She talked to the doctor about all the above issues. He wasn't surprised at all, he said that it's all just part of it. He went on to say that she'll figure out how to eat, when to eat, what to eat and I guess slowly but surely it'll get better.

Thank God for Good News Today! We're all ready for more tomorrow!

A few weeks ago I was talking to a good friend from Memphis, Shoot, it was more like complaining to her. Life post chemo and radiation was not as I planned. In fact, it's been totally opposite, a real downer. During treatment, she needed me for everything. I knew exactly what to do. We had a routine, even when things were really bad, I could figure it out. To save my life, I can't figure this out and I don't know what to do? My friend told me to be patient and stand in the gap for mom. On the spiritual and patient side of things, I'm not so good. Not sure exactly why that's the case. It's hard not to fall apart at church, in the car, whenever, wherever. It's all so overwhelming and just flat out hurts. I was telling another friend who told me to pray that what could I say to God that He doesn't already know? I want my mom to get better. . . I don't understand why it happened in the first place. . . You know how much I love her. . . Is it a matter of faith, a lesson to be learned, a test of the emergency broadcast system. . . Yes, I'm a little angry and He knows, He knows all of it so what's the point of letting it out. It just brings tears, snot, and still no answers. She said, "Yes, He does know but the reason for praying aloud is not for Him but for me." Makes sense and so I'm working on that.

So where I couldn't and still can't be there spiritually for her, thank you all for taking up the slack. Below is an email Mom sent to a friend. I loved his response which was in big, bold, blue and red text. I tried to copy it to my blog but the color, font and such didn't transfer.

Went to one dr & he said he no longer felt the tumor. Just need to get a good PET scan result tomorrow from the oncologist. Have lost 20 lbs - down to 110. Wouldn't recommend this diet plan to any one. Still having trouble eating. The whole digestion thing is strange to my body. Will be glad when that passes too. Hope all is well with you both. Carol

HALLELUJAH! PRAISE THE LIVING GOD WHO FORGIVES OUR INIQUITIES AND HEALS ALL OUR DISEASES. HE MAKES AN UTTER END OF IT AND IT SHALL NOT RETURN.I speak forth rapid healing and restoration from all the evil side effects. I say NO MORE tumors in your body!KEEP THE FAITH! David


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