
Showing posts from September, 2006

Smelling the Roses

All things considered, this could have been a terrible day. I'm extremely tired, incredibly moody, and have zero patience. But, I made it through the day without so much as a . . . . . knockdown, drag out fight with hubby ( we did have a pretty intense argument, however) . . . . . the kids somehow escaped mom's wrath without even a spanking (this is definitely a miracle considering we grocery shopped at Walmart). . . . . and finally I managed to have a productive day at work (even in a foggy state from the night-time cold medicine I took not for a cold, but for sleep at 5 this morning) Impressive, I know! Through it all, I even found some cute moments that made me laugh. Heading out the door to grab dinner (definitely wasn't going to cook tonight), Baby girl says, "You is Crazy!" Little man replies, "No, I'm Not! I'm your brother." Sigh. . . . . My kids, one minute making me crazy, the next making me smile. Little Man's collecting rock fossil...

Sleep, know where I can find some?

It's after four in the morning and I can't get back to sleep. It's becoming a nightly thang. I can go to sleep at midnight and I'll wake up around 3:00. Last night, I went to sleep after 9:00, same thing, up at 3:00. I don't think there's anything more frustrating to me than not sleeping, with the exception of dieting. In the past, I've been quick to blame hubby, but I don't know. I'm kinda seeing a pattern here. Last year, sleep deprivation and head, neck, and shoulder aches were a constant. This summer, a had the occasional bad night, but it was much better. I had almost written it off as I'm cured. But, over the past few weeks, it's come back in full force, same as work. Is there a connection? I'd rather blame hubby than I can't handle stress. And it's true, he's a loud sleeper. I compare it to the hose of a vacuum, you know the sucking sound it makes if it gets to close to an object. I've tried to talk hi...

Amazing Love #1

Not that she's Numero Uno on my list of those who've shown me Amazing Love, I've just been thinking about her over the past few days. My Stepmother, a word that could represent all things wicked and evil, instead represent love and all things beautiful. I was a snotty-nose runt of a kid, when she came into my life. From toddler to teen, she showed me Amazing Love. I wasn't the easiest child to love. While I had my good points, I tended to be a little spoiled, demanding, hard-headed, stubborn tyrant who demanded nothing short of Disney Land each and every summer! By personalities, we were complete opposites. She embodied all that was proper, elegant, and good, completely ladylike from head to toe. She had impeccable style and beauty, truly a picture of perfect etiquette and grace. While I dreamed of having those qualities, in reality, I was a tomboy, lacking any style whatsoever, a total cluts, an accident waiting for a place to happen. I liked the music of Hank Williams...

Warning, It Gets Deep!

At church last Sunday, we were put into groups to discuss one key person in our life that was a friend who stuck closer than a brother. You know, someone who came along during a dark time in life offering support, love, and guidance. Someone that radiated light during a dark time. We actually had a whole week to come up with that one person. He gave us the assignment the Sunday before, we were even suppose to bring a picture of that special someone. Sounds easy, but not for me. I spent time throughout the week contemplating who that person was in my life. I actually drove to church that morning without a specific person in mind. Several times throughout the week, I broke into tears because there's not been one person that fits that description. There's a zillion! Many have flooded my life in the shape of family, friends, church members, schoolmates, and those I met at work. Some were intentionally living a life that pointed to God, others, not even aware, were shining with the ...

Home Alone

I think I love the Cub Scouts! Hubby does not share the same feelings yet, but I'm hopeful. Baby Girl's at Grandma's. Daddy's taken Little Man and his best friend to the meeting. They will be gone for at least 2 1/2 hours. So, I'm home alone, eat your heart out!!!! I need to get some work done in the office. . . I need to catch up on blogs (several stories come to mind) . . . I need to clean house. . . I definitely need to wash clothes... But, I think I'm going to turn on the Nora Jones CD, jump in the jacuzzi tub, and soak all troubles away for the next, oh, at least, 2 hours. Right this moment, life is great! (Spell check says I spelled "Jacuzzi" wrong, it's suggestion was "Jackass.") ha ha ha

Grandma's Coming Home!

This past week has been a struggle. I couldn't quite figure out why . . . Do I have PMS, nope .... Am I too busy with work, nope... I feel tired and 100% drained, but I'm sleeping fine. So what's the deal? The kids are going crazy, maybe it's the weather change, doubt it. It's been one fight right after another with emotions running wild. Little man has been so moody, baby girl totally defiant, and me a picture of frustration combined with depression. What's going on? Finally, it hit me like a ton of bricks. We miss Grandma! While I appreciate Grandma, I have not realized, until now, the importance of her role. Baby girl spends the night with Grandma usually twice a week. She gets her Grandma and PawPaw fix which, believe me, is vital to her and my well-being, while I get to spend quality mom/son time with Little Man. Every weekend, Grandma and PawPaw spend time with us, going out to eat, watching movies, riding 4-wheelers, swimming at the lake, and hanging out ...

Ants in yor pans

Little man came home with a story he wrote at school. Ants in yor pans by Little Man ants in my frends pans. Ty has ten ants in his pans. I Do, too. Ty has ants pans. Ants in yor pans Make you Do the Boogee Dans Isn't he sooo cute and check out that punctuation. He was just beaming with pride as he told me about school today. He said that's he's in reading group #3, that's the best!!! Last year he was in group #2. He says, "Now, all my dreams have come true b/c I'm in the best reading group". We didn't read at home much last year, I was so busy with work and Daddy's motto is "Why read, when you can see the movie." Okay, so I wasn't the best last year (did I say I run a tutoring program specializing in reading, oh the guilt). My redemption, this summer when we were in town, my kids participated in the library program. Little Man read over 100 books, sister had probably twice than that read to her (she wants the same book read o...


Adventure use to be river rafting, bungee jumping, and scuba diving, now it's surviving car trips with hubby and the kids. First mistake, we left the TV at home. Second mistake, I realize it at the convenient store down the road from home and didn't insist on going back for it. As God as my witness, I will not travel further than our city limits without the TV when kids are in the car. TV might rot their minds, but it's better than hubby and I losing ours. We traveled thousands of miles over the summer, it wasn't all that bad with Popeye, Tom and Jerry, and Scooby Doo on board. This weekend, we were in the car just over 3 hours and I can't tell you how many times we heard, "Are we there, yet. . . She's touching me. . . Roll window down, Brother stinks. . . I'm Bored. . . It's taking too long." Whine, whine, whine, fuss, fuss, fuss, fight, fight, fight! NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!! Oh, and to top it all off, when we mad...

"He's A Joy"

That would be my son. (thank you, thank you very much) Don't hate me because he's a little ray of sunshine, we had to pay major dues to get here. Thursday night was Open House at the school. Little man showed Daddy and I around the room. . . here's my locker, here's our pet hermit crabs, here's my cubby, here's my desk, etc.... While I'm going through the motions, inside I'm building up the courage to approach the teacher with the big question. How's my son doing, how's his behavior? Finally, I ask and stand back bracing myself for the answer. With a sweet, sincere smile on her face, she answers, "He's a joy." I immediately was flooded with emotions. I could have instantly broke down and had a major Oprah moment on her, or on the other hand, lost all regard for personal space (a lesson we are still trying to teach my son) and given the teacher the biggest bear hug ever. Somehow I gained some composure and fumbled out something like,...