Ode to Melancholy

When pulling up my blog, Carlton Pearson started singing. I wish I could go back to those Higher Dimensions days if not but for 1 service. What an amazing church, probably won't ever be another like it. It's kinda sad, I think I attended the best church of my life as a teenager. I totally dug the praise and worship but unfortunately tuned out for most of his sermons and when I was listening, I was too young and dumb to get even half of his jokes. The memories I do have are great. Now those days, just like that song, is gone and Rod Stewart is singing "You're in my heart." Gotta love the irony.

Tonight, Little Man watched the new James Bond movie with daddy while I painted Baby Girl's nails a glittery purple color that she picked out at Walmart. I stink at painting nails I guess due to lack of experience. I've bit my nails for the majority of my life. As I painted trying desperately to smooth out the clumps at the tips of her nails, she offered encouragement by saying "You're doing really good, alot better than last time." Ouch. After I finished her sloppy manicure and pedicure, I started making cookies, I'm great with the kind that you just pull apart, stick on a tray and slide in the oven. When Little Man saw the package on the counter he said, "You're making cookies at 11:06 at night, you're the best mom EVER!" I needed that! I packed there clothes to go to grandparents tomorrow. Daddy and I will finish packing our stuff and leave on Friday for Mexico. Loretta Lynn is now singing. I remember every time she'd come on the radio when I was young, Dad would excitedly chime in "Get Back, Loretta!" I'm not sure why?

I took dinner tonight to a friend from church. She's had all sorts of painful health issues. Right now, fibermalagia causes most of her pain. She brought dinner to Mom a couple of times last summer. At that time, Mom was in alot of pain but refusing to take her pain meds like she should. Wren was able to talk and connect with Mom concerning it all better than anyone. She's such a wonderful person. God, I pray the treatment she's receiving works so she can get back to living life.

Now, Heidi Newfield is singing Johnny and June. Man, Hubby and I really need this time away together. You know, there's times when we are more perfect together than Johnny and June and then there' s the other times when we don't see anything eye to eye and struggle around every turn. I'm sure its nothing a few hours on the beach with friends and couple of margaritas can't fix.

Well now it's 12:46, Ray Charles is singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," the low battery light on my laptop is blinking and I'm dosing.


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