Gift from Mexico

I have NOT spoken much to the other two couples who went to Mexico with us. I have NOT done much of anything this week. Honestly, I feel like crap. Serves me right for such immoral, irresponsible, immature behavior. I complained some to my husband of stomach issues but would NOT whine to my friends who had to put up with my drunk, stupid ass in Mexico.

We met my husband's parents and one of the above couples for dinner tonight. She brought up that they both had not felt well this week. She went on to describe the same symptoms I had. I called the other couple after dinner to find that both she and her husband have also had the same symptoms all week long.

On the way home, I did NOT go to the minor emergency. The nurse did NOT ask if I might be pregnant, God Forbid. I told her, "NO chance, my husband is fixed." She did NOT proceed to tell me that a former patient had it done, his grew back and his wife ended up pregnant. Wondering why the hell she's telling me all this, I reply, "Well, as on most vacations, I had my period and besides if I'm pregnant, so are 5 others who went with me, 3 of which are men!"

The doctor did NOT come in the examining room, listen to my symptoms of stomach and bathroom issues and ask, "Did you use any protection?" With an "OH MY GOD" look on my face, I whispered, "Uh, my husband is fixed. I think we are (Gulp) protected." He gave me a weird look and said, "Did you take any medication before traveling to prevent sickness?" Of course that's what he meant, how embarrassing! But What would you have thought if asked that same question?

My friends and I do NOT suffer from Montezuma's Revenge! I do NOT have to fast a couple of days only drinking clear liquids and take antibiotic to get better. Well I guess, there's the proof . . .

I went to Mexico after all.


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