Great Grandma

I'm in Colorado listening to Baby Girl run through the house yelling the alarm, "Great Great Grandma, Great Great Grandma is getting up!" I'm in the next room and feel responsible for checking on her but just plain don't want to. More times than not, I try to help Grandma with Great Grandma.

Like tonight after dinner, everyone was sitting around the table talking. Great Grandma can't get up on her own but does anyway and thus falls alot. She started trying to get up from the table wanting to go to the living room. Maybe she wanted to watch TV, have a change of scenery, or like me, had enough of the table talk.

Just before she made her move out of the chair, everyone started talking politics. Lord help us. One asked if we'd heard the North Koreans are going to test their nuclear weapons on us 4th of July. Tribulation is next week and I haven't even got a fallout shelter or rapture beans, beer and Band-Aids ready. Another said that scientists say the year 2012 will be the end of the world or close to it. The moon, sun and earth are gonna line up in a way it's never done before causing all sorts of disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, floods and more all at the same time!

All agreed that of course, Obama will not be able to handle it. In fact, rumor has it that Obama wasn't even born in the U.S. but instead in Kenya so by law, he can't be president. Also, he paid people to vote for him, therefore McCain really won. In fact, everyone they know either voted for McCain or didn't vote at all proof the election was rigged. Obama didn't even have money to afford a campaign until that Oprah threw all her money into it, damn her! And you know, both her and Obama are not even Christian but "Mooselums." And worst of all, can you believe that the President of the United States is named Obama, that's just not American!

Yep, that was about the time Great Grandma made her move and I literally jumped at the opportunity to take her anywhere she wanted to go. Her walking is getting really bad. She won't stand straight but instead bends over and shuffles side to side. It almost looks like she's trying to do a jig the way she takes little bounces not actually moving forward just side to side. She reminds me of E.T, she walks just like him. As we shuffled towards the living room, Hubby is standing in the kitchen just watching me struggle with her. I told him to come help, it's his grandma after all. You know he doesn't even seem to feel an ounce of responsibility, so why in the world do I?

Great Grandma has been left in the living room while everyone else hangs out on the back patio. Thinking she's missing out on fun, Great Grandma tries to get up and is busted by Grandma. Grandma's stress level is climbing so I give in and go see if I can help. I wish I could say my motives are completely genuine stemming from a feeling of responsibility and need to help Grandma but in all actuality, tonight I helped out of guilt for not being social. Maybe they won't think I'm a total snob and computer addict if I help with Great Grandma so they can continue their discussion outside.

Sitting with Great Grandma, she asks where her husband, Stephen, is? Her husband has been dead for over 40 years but trying to move past the subject I just say he's home. It's not quite the truth but it's not totally a lie, he's hopefully in his heavenly home, right? Besides if I can get her off subject, she won't remember in a few short minutes. Hubby comes in to help. He tells her "Grandma, he's dead and has been dead for over 40 years!" She's upset and thinks everyone is lying to her. Now, Grandma comes in upset as well and begins yelling.

The fact is Great Grandma is not in her familiar surrounding and just wants to go home and back to her normal routine. So sad, her mind is totally gone. The other day when talking to grandma, she was saying that getting all her doctors and medicaid lined out has been a struggle. Great Grandma has lived with hubby's parents for 4 years. She's been sick on and off, was taken to the doctor for medicine and got better. She takes all sorts of pills each morning to stay "healthy."

With all the medical advancements in medicine and technology, doctors keep bodies alive long after the mind is gone. Grandma is concerned about keeping Great Grandma healthy but tonight in frustration said, oh the party she's gonna throw when Great Grandma passes. I know it sounds terrible but literally Great Grandma can't do anything therefore Grandma does it all. She can't walk, bathe herself, wipe her butt, feed herself, get dressed, she can't do anything! Grandma and Paw Paw get so frustrated with her. I get aggravated too the few times I watch her.

Last night around 3am, Great Grandma tried to get in bed with me and hubby. She somehow managed to get out of bed, go to the bathroom and shuffle without falling to the living room where we slept on the hideaway. I took her back to the bed she's sharing with Grandma and Baby Girl. Paw Paw is on an air mattress on the floor. I then went to the bathroom and stepped in a puddle of pee around the toilet. As she's done before, she didn't pull her depends and pants down far enough so when she peed, it went everywhere. I went back to their room, informed Grandma of the incident and to check Great Grandma's pj's which are soaked and then began a search through the house for bathroom cleaner. I got it cleaned and made it back to bed where my husband snores oblivious to all the excitement.

I didn't know her before she lost her mind so I don't have any history or connection with her. I use to think it would make a difference but now I'm not so sure. It doesn't seem to make a difference with the rest.


Barbara's blog said…
You're a natural caretaker. We need people like you since most of us aren't.

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