Stink'n Deadlines

Why . . .oh . . . why do I procrastinate? It's 1am and I just finished my 4th and final state application. I was suppose to take it to the UPS store to overnight by 5:00, obviously I didn't make it. So now my poor husband must drive the 4 hours into Kansas to hand deliver the stink'n thing. I should be shot. I told him I'd take it myself but he said he could get there and back faster, that's true.

How long have I had to complete the application you ask? Oh, the application window was March 1st to May 1st. I have no excuse, I'm just a habitual put-er-off-er. It makes me and everyone around me crazy. I lost my mind and repeatedly snapped at my husband, the kids, and the dog.

Well, applications are done . . . on to final reports. Stink'n paperwork. My next deadline is Friday, May 15th. Guess you know what I'll be doing Thursday, May 14th.


Barbara's blog said…
Oh, Crazeemommy, of work and play
Thou art too hard on thyself
Time means nothing to one who dost say
all things non play go on a shelf.

Not all that poetic, but you get my drift.

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