I Love

i love this book. I just finished reading The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. Oh my gosh, it was awesome. I loved the movie but love the book even more. Books like that really make me want to write.

I love my playlist. When working at my desk, I listen to the songs on my blog. My husband does not love my music so much but suffers through the songs anyway. I didn't realize the kids listened but the other day I was watching Baby Girl play on the swing set. She was singing Carlton Pearson's song, Catch on Fire. Her version was . . . "I wish somebody's pants (instead of soul)would Catch on Fire, Catch on Fire, Catch on Fire . . ." She had me cracking up.

I love BlogPatrol that keeps track of the number of visitors to my site. It also gives cool info like most visited post, the time of day visited, search engines used to find blog and more. So far this week, I've had 19 people visit from the U.S., 1 person from Iceland and 1 from India. Can you believe it? I've been googled this week with the following keywords; boobshubby, domeboro sitz bath, alvelox, tball games, poem - t ball coach, shawndra turner colon cancer, and ideas for tball awards. I couldn't believe it so I googled boobshubby and sure enough on the 2nd page, there I was.

I love coaching, who knew? We are having a team pool party tomorrow night to celebrate a great season. All the parents chipped in and bought each girl a trophy, they're gonna be so surprised. At our last practice, we had a team vs parents and siblings scrimage. It was so much fun. Hubby usually has short hair but has been letting it grow out for a while. When one of the girls got to practice, she looked up at hubby and told him he looked like Elvis. It was so funny, I about wet my pants. The last few games were awesome! The girls actually beat that 2nd year team (the only one we lost to) from earlier in the season. One of the parents from their team teased before the game, "You want us to spot ya 10. They weren't in a mood to joke at the end of the game. (ha ha ha) And on the last day of games we played the team I pulled Baby Girl from. We totally skunked them and with bases loaded, Baby Girl hit her first homerun. I know I should grow up and not gloat, but what would be the fun in that?

I love my funny kids. Tonight while making dinner, I overheard Little Man and his best friend talking in the bedroom. Best Friend informed Little Man, "I'm getting more hair on my arms." So funny, I love it. Little Man thinks he needs to start lifting weights because he's so skinny. Baby Girl has asked me, "When am I going to lose my teeth? Everyone in my class have already lost teeth, it's not fair." I told her that most people I know want to keep their teeth not lose them. Go figure. A couple of weeks ago while shopping at Walmart, Baby Girl and Little Man decided they needed deodorient. Baby Girl picked out a strawberry scent and Little Man got his Dad's brand. Hubby rolled his eyes when they came home with it and said unless they apply it to their head, it won't do any good. My kids obviously don't have armpit odor but when playing outside their heads sweat and stink. I've actually thought about rubbing some on their heads to see if it would work.

I love Little Man's journal. This year his teacher had the class journal each day. Some days she gave a prompt, other days she let them write about anything. While I assume most kids, gave the minimum response each day, Little Man's entries were interesting, witty, well thought out, and wonderfully written. (I just don't know where he gets it :-) Beware, I put more than I should in this blog. I just couldn't decide which entries to include, I love them all;

A healthy breakfast gets your day off to a good start. Describe your perfect breakfast. What I eat for breakfast is choclate cireal. Sometimes I eat donuts. Oh and sometimes I eat pizza! (What a terrible mother, Oh the guilt)

If you could be any person in your family for a day who would it be? I would be my dad. becuse I love his truck, and he is a good person that's why. Why I would not be my mom is becuase I don't want to be a girl. (not sure how I feel with that response)

My sister is mean. This morning she slamed my head aginst the car door in the school parking lot!!! But she's the best I could have. But still I love her. But she can be nice in a while. but still she is mean. (I remember hitting my brother over the head with my metal strawberry shortcake lunchbox while waiting for the school bus, poor poor brother. I wonder if he thinks I'm the best he could have?)

I have the best teacher in the hole wide world. She's the best teacher anyone could have. she is so cool! I really like her. She gives us the funest work. She is a really wonderful asome exalent teacher! (I agree 100%)

Yesterday I was not felling good. I had a headeake. I felt like I could throwup. I felt so bad. i went to my nanas and grandpas. I felt worse every minite. I did not throwup, I'm lucky. (he gets headaches often, sometimes I wonder if they are migranes. I pretty much can't leave the house without children's motrin)

Election day was yesterday. Write 5 qualities a leader should have. He should be pastin't. He should not lie. He should be nice. He needs to be smart. He should be a Replublacon. (Oh brother, hubby has brainwashed him, I have my work cut out for me)

If I were president, I would lower gas prises. I'd love to have two dogs. I would play basketball too. I'd like to be president.

What I'm doing this weekend. I'm hoping our dog, Daisy Mae can come home. She might be ready this weekend. We have already bought her toys and stuf. It'll be awesome. She is the cutest thing ever! Are dog is a buldog. I can't belleve it. Oh, and its hard when you just look at there dog house and there not there, or your used to them being there when you all alone. Once I was looking at his dog house and I started cring. (My baby, I know he misses Skylar but he didn't tell me the dog house upset him) I'll always remember him. Dogs are awesome! (Next page) I can't wait!!! I think a buldog would be a cool dog to have. She is a very cute dog so my dad wants to call her Daizy. I like that name.

I can't wait till the spelling be. I should win becuase I studied so hard. I took hours out of my day. (so did your Mom) I didn't play video games once. (neither did I) All I did is study. (me too)

I WON THE SPELLING BE!!! The last two people where me and Cody. I think Cody should be the runner up. He was the runner up. It was fun. (Some crazee lady in the audience whooped and hollered like we won the Super Bowl embarrasing the crap out of her husband, and then texted everyone she knew)

Mexico is an awsome place! I really want to go. My parents say its there get away from kids. (Yep and we're leaving in a little over a week - cue choir: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah) I've went to 12 different places and there all bin in the United States. It would be fun to go there. All together it cost about $3000. For one person its 500. Its to much. But I still want to go. My parents say you can't go till your grown up and you can pay for it. do you want to.

St. Patrick's Day is next week. Tell me 10 things you would like to find at the end of the rainbow. Some gold, popcorn, Geany, a ps3. Also a thing that can make me invisible, bean burito, a art museum. Also, no school, free gas and $1000,000! Thats it! Ow and go to Mexico free! (Where does he get this stuff, crazy I tell ya!)

My sister did good! I'm talking about the Basketball game. She made a basket. she did awsome! Im proud of her. (such a good brother)

Once I got my toncles cut out. First, I got some weird medacation that made me sleepy and funny. It didn't make me fall asleep. So I went into the place wear I get my toncles cut out. They had to give me laghy gas, it was the weirdest thing in my life. I laghed and laghed and saw a bright light and passed oout. When I awoke, my mom and dad were standing in front of me. When it was the first day of having my toncles cut out. I took medication that made me throw up, it didn't work. but the next day I could eat chetoes. (He didn't want ice cream, only cheetos. I would have given him the moon on a silver platter if it made him feel better)

My mom is coaching teeball! Shes realy good at it. (yes I am) I cant belive she wanted to. shes makeing the team improve. Shes a awsome coach.


Barbara's blog said…
You definitely need to write a book about you and your family. Be sure to include chapters by Little Man.
I think you're a great mommy--even one of a kind. Wish I'd had your energy, enthusiasm and light-heartedness when my girls were young. Except for one thing. I don't think I could ever have coached tee-ball!
Michele said…

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