Fishing in the Dark

In the car coming home from dinner, I was asking Baby Girl about school, her friends, and stuff. It wasn't just casual conversation, I was fishing for information (I'll get to that in another post). I was completely shocked with what I caught. When asking about some of her classmates, she said she had a secret to tell me. She couldn't say it in front of Daddy and Brother. I didn't think much about it because she tells secrets all the time with most being, "I love you . . . the sky is blue . . . and boys stink."

At home, we went in her room and she said with an embarrassed smirk that . . . at nap time at school, "So and so" showed me and "friend" his private. (OH! MY!! GAWD!!! ) Trying to stay calm, I asked, "Where was your teacher?" She replied, "At her desk." The teacher obviously didn't see and the girls didn't tell.

I'm not sure if it should make a difference to the story but "So and so" is not completely right. I'm not sure his exact disability but he is terribly slow.

I explained to Baby Girl that That is NEVER a secret. That if anyone ever tries to show their private or asks to see yours, it's not funny but serious and to get an adult immediately. I told her that she and friend should have gone straight to the teacher and then at home she should have told me first thing.

I'm probably overreacting. Hubby even laughed when I first told him. The whole kids will be kids, that's gonna happen, type thing. It's not like Baby Girl has never seen it before, she does have a brother. It was most likely totally innocent. Nevertheless, it worries me.

I've emailed the "friend's" mom to call me (I don't have her phone number) and will go to the school tomorrow to talk with the teacher. I wouldn't have thought it before but maybe they should separate the boys and girls at nap time and put "So and so" right next to the teacher's desk.

We'll see what happens . . .


Barbara's blog said…
You're doing the right thing by not letting this go. They're young now but So-n-So may do this as he gets older and then it won't be funny. It might make him a pervert and that would be awful for him to carry around. Teacher should separate the boys and girls and watch all of them a little better. Good thing Baby Girl told you. If it had happened to some kids, they might not have felt safe telling Mom.
I spoke to the teacher and she said it doesn't surprise her. So and So sticks his hands in his pants all the time. (that's not good)

Hubby said I should have called the school this morning and said, "I'm coming up there to Whoop Someone's Ass" like Roy D. Mercer. For those who don't know, Roy D. Mercer is a DJ who makes prank phone calls to people on the radio. He's hilarious.

The teacher says she'll take care of it, I hope so.
Michele said…
Overreacting????? I don't think so. I hope they do something about it. Even if the child doesn't know it's wrong, somehow the issue needs to be addressed.

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