TBall Update

We won both games Saturday. The first game was against the team I pulled Baby Girl off. I heard through the grapevine that their coach really wanted to stick it to us. I couldn't help but feel the same. Nothing wrong with a little competition, Right?

We won 18 to 16 or something like that. I have terrible cell phone reception in the hospital but after the game Mom left a message on my voicemail. When I got the message, I sprang up jumping up and down and yelling, "We Won, We Won!" Thank God, I was in the hospital cafeteria and not ICU.

I spoke to Hubby, Mom, Dad, Paw Paw, Grandma, a couple of other parents on the team and Baby Girl to try and get all accounts of the game.

Wish I could have been there.


Michele said…
I'm trying to imagine how "we won! we won!" could have been mistakenly translated in the ICU. That could have spelled trouble!

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