
So you remember, I signed Baby Girl up for Tball. The team looked very promising. Most of the girls are from the kids school, either the same age as Baby Girl or just one year older. I liked the team name (Xtreme) and the team colors (purple and green) which, let's face it, are most important when choosing a team. I heard about the team from the mother of a girl on Baby Girl's basketball team. She's really cool. I had a blast hanging out with her during their basketball practices and looked forward to seeing her at Tball.

The first practice was okay. They had all the girls rotating between stations practicing skills including hitting, playing catch, and running bases. I didn't instantly connect with the other moms on the team like I had hoped. It seemed like there were definite clicks from the get go. During practice #2, the coach placed my daughter in the outfield and with the exception of 1 time at bat, left her there for 2 hours without even 1 ball hit her direction. As she drew circles in the grass behind 2nd base, my blood pressure was climbing the charts.

The words "Keep it together" kept floating in and out of my mind but with little impact. I was mad, getting madder and wanted everyone to know it. With every passing minute I became louder and louder. . .huffing and puffing, deliberately shifting my weight making as much noise as possible on the bleachers. When I couldn't take it one more second, I jumped off the bleachers and stomped to my car knowing I looked like a total idiot, but unwilling to stop.

This team had 4 coaches, 1 coach had twins, all with daughters on the team. So there was the writing on the wall, the infield positions would be all coaches kids. Baby Girl would be stuck in the outfield.

After talking to my husband, several friends, and Baby Girl's basketball coach, I decided to form my own team. I contacted the guy over the league to find out what I needed to do to start a team. Next, I went to the school and began recruiting players starting first with all my daughter's friends. I quickly had 8 players and found the remaining 2 from the league's waiting list. Hubby convinced the Polaris dealership in town to sponsor us which paid for our uniforms. Our team name is the RZR's for Polaris' newest ATV. Our uniforms are awesome, the color is a cross between neon green and yellow with black lettering. We have black hats with a neon bright R and black baseball pants. The girls as well as the coaches, I might add, look awesome. We had team pictures taken last week. When they come in I'll post one.

As I mentioned, all my daughter's friends are on the team, they are a great bunch of girls. I have 1 pre-k, 5 Kindergarten, and 4 1st graders all with big personalities and cuter than cute. All the parents are equally as great. I'd choose them to hang out with outside of Tball. I coach along with hubby, Baby Girl's basketball coach's daughter, and one of my daughter's best friend's Dad. When I decided to start my own team, hubby was concerned but knew any effort to talk me out of it, would be in vain. Poor guy, when I 'm on "my mission" as he calls it, there's no hope for reason, he just has to hold on and ride it out as best as he can.

For the most part, we have steered away from all team sports. Little Man has never shown much interest and Baby Girl was too young which worked for us. We'd watch our friends run from sport to sport and vow we'd never marry a sport like them. Never say never because here we are buying Tball equipment, holding 2 practices a week and Saturday games. Surprisingly, we are all having a blast.

Because of our late start, the other teams have had twice the amount of practices. But we won 3 of the 4 games which I know shouldn't be a priority but I'm competitive so it's hard not to want to win. During all practices and most games, I switch positions so all the girls have a chance at infield where most of the action takes place. The girls are learning some of the dugout chants. My favorite being, "How funky is your chicken, how loose is your goose. So, come on all you RZR fans, and shake your caboose." We had a pizza party at my house last Friday. The girls played on our swing set fort, rode bikes, ate pizza, found and painted a turtle all while I hung out and cut up with their parents. Now, that's what I call Tball.

When the girls see me at the school, they say "Hey Coach." (sounds so weird and totally cracks me up) At yesterday's practice, our team clown told me I looked pregnant, Ouch. Attention spans are short so games during practice are best. Most practices, we run bases playing sharks and minnows, their favorite. The player's brothers and the coaches are the sharks and the girls run from base to base with big eyes screaming at the top of their lungs. It's warming up so I'm thinking about bringing out water balloons at the end of next practice. We play that team I dropped Baby Girl from on Saturday. Unfortunately, I won't be there b/c of Dad's surgery but it should be interesting.


Barbara's blog said…
I love it! I remember watching my grandson play baseball. He was a great second baseman and was having a blast. Then his coach decided to go competitive. That meant teaming up with other coaches--all who had sons on the team. Guess where my grandson ended up. On the bench! Heart breaking. Every team he was on after that had coaches with sons, and they all had to have their sons in the infield whether they could play well or not. It wasn't fun any longer. You're making playing ball fun for your girls. Don't ever get so competitive that you sacrifice that part of the game.

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