Less is More

I've really thought about a friend's post titled Ignore Your Children. Her post spoke volumes to me especially after the mess I created on Friday night. The trend in parenting these days is everything you do as a parent should totally center around your children. I know that I, but strangely enough not my husband, have felt the need to throw myself into my kids my every waking moment.. Whenever I'm going to the store for groceries, to the mall to check out sales, or anywhere in between, I must take the kids with me or at least ask if they want to go. The answer is usually, "Yes" and so off I go, kids in tow. When I don't offer to take them, I feel guilty. Right now sitting on the couch typing this and watching Amazing Race on TV, both kids have already asked several times if they can sit by me. This is one of the few times I've said no. Usually, I have them on either side fighting over who has more of me. The guilt of not making everything or at least most about them can be intense. Yep, this blog has really got me thinking. Check it out.



Barbara's blog said…
I don't know how mothers survive when they can't say "no" to their kids. Thanks for your comments. I hope things work out for you as you morph into this new mom!Just remember, you're the adult and they're the kids.
Barbara's blog said…
I love your new pink web site.
Thanks for your comments on my blogs about kids.

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