The Amazing Race

I'm sitting in bed blogging while my husband and I watch"The Amazing Race." We're both reality show junkies and "The Amazing Race" is one of our favorites. Yea, it would be nothing short of amazing to race around the world but my husband and I are so competitive and intense, we'd be that couple despised by America and on Dr. Phil when the race was over.

This weekend, I felt like I was running "The Amazing Race" minus my partner, airports and amazing places. The first leg of the race started Friday morning with getting the kids off for school around 8:20, I worked some on-line finding science fair project stuff for Little Man and my students I'm tutoring in town. A tutor called because he did not receive his paycheck last week. Hubby cancelled the one mailed earlier in the week and printed a new one. I promised I'd bring his check to him later in the afternoon, one more thing added to Today's To-Do list.

Challenge 1: By 10:30, I was dressed and running for school to give my daughter her lunchbox she forgot this morning. Would you believe her lunch is at 10:40, way too early. After visiting with her in the cafeteria for a few minutes, I was off and running for the store up the road for 2 liter bottles of Pepsi and Coke.

Little Man and one of my tutoring students have decided to do a Coke vs Pepsi Taste Test as their Science Fair Project. The problem we are testing is "Everyone has a favorite between Coke and Pepsi. Do they choose one over the other based on taste alone or are there other factors?" On Thursday, one of my tutoring students and I gave the taste test at his school. I'm combining those tests with today's from Little Man's school, convenient. . . I know.

Challenge 2: I made it back to the school by 11:15, met Little Man in his classroom, and we did a taste test on his class. He had his classmates fill out a questionaire putting their name, their favorite (Coke or Pepsi) and their reason why. He then gave them two Dixie Cups labeled #1 and #2 with each drink. They tasted both drinks and recorded their favorite on the questionaire. We tested people in the office, teachers in the cafeteria and stragglers in the hallway until we ran out of pop. Needing more tests, Little Man and I ran to Walmart around noon for more Pop and Dixie Cups. We were back around 12:30 and testing Class #2 by 1:00. Around 1:30, I was back home gobbling down leftover Tuna Helper and figuring the test results.

The kids at Little Man's school were surprisingly able to identify their favorite pop better then the adults we tested later over the weekend. I thought adults would beat the kids b/c we've been Pop Addicts longer.

Anyway, hubby entered his motorcycle in a car show and wouldn't be home for the kids after school. I had to be at the school where I tutor at 3:15. I promised the tutoring kids that I would help them finish up their science projects. Up until this week, I've never done a Science Fair Project but now I'm making up for it by doing 4 in one week.

Challenge 3: I picked the kids up early from school around 2:30. I ran across town to drop off the teacher's check from this morning, and then flew to meet the tutoring kids. By 3:25, I was knee deep in projects. Even when good, there's nothing more stressful than trying to juggle your own kids at work. Two hours, three projects and a dozen pictures drawn by my kids later, I was back in the car driving to meet hubby for dinner (I had grilled chicken and grilled veggies, good dinner choice) and then home for the official Pit Stop of the night.

Okay, the second leg starts Saturday morning. We made it to the donut store just before they closed as hubby heads for his car show. (Sorry weight loss buddy, I'd need sugar to make it through this day)

Challenge 1: The kids and I met Grandma, Paw Paw, and Great Grandma at the basketball game at 11:00. As Baby Girl warmed up for her game, Little Man and I setup a table at the entrance to the gym to do more taste testing. After the game, I finished the taste test as Little Man went with Paw Paw to Hubby's Car Show and Little Girl went with a friend to a T-Ball Meeting.

Roadblock: (A series of tasks to be completed alone before coninuing the race) By 12:45, I had wrapped up the test at the gym, raced home to get the checkbook for the T-Ball entrance fee and Baby Girl's Birth Certificate that I had forgot this morning and then rescued the puppy from the crate. By 1:00, the dog and I are racing to the T-Ball Meeting. T-Ball is going to be fun. Their team name is Xtreme, their colors are purple and green, and Baby Girl is #1, too cool.

Challenge 3: We left the meeting around 2:30, took the dog to Mom's, and made it home to get ready for the 1st of 3 birthday parties over the weekend. The slumber party starts at 4:00 just enough time for her to shower, eat lunch and pack. After the party, I dropped by Mom's to pick up the dog and hang out for just a bit, and then went home to work on the Science Fair Project.

Little Man made it home from the Car Show and Monster Truck Races around 7:30. We continued to work on the project for an hour, watched TV and then crash in bed for the night's mandatory pit stop.

Third Leg: Sunday morning,

Challenge 1: I gave the dog a bath,

Challenge 2: showered, and

Challenge 3: was out the door to get more Pop, pickup Baby Girl from the sleepover party and drop puppy off with Mom. (Everything is a challenge this morning becuase I have a headache and Hubby is at Car Show)

Challenge 4: We make it to church 1 hour late and tested everyone as they came out of service. Then back in the car running for the car show to drop Little Man off for more Motorcycle and Monster Truck Fun as Baby Girl and I grab presents at Target and run for a hotel across town for Party #2. We ate pizza and then did cake, icecream, and presents.

Roadblock: The kids head for hotel pool as I run to the mall down the road to get a Christmas Dress I've been waiting to go 75% off at Macy's. I grabbed the dress, pruse through the clearance rack, check out and make it back to the party within 45 minutes.

Challenge 5: At 3:30, I finally get Baby Girl out of the pool and in the car heading for Pary #3 (another pool party, I might add) located out of town. It starts at 4:00, we made it there by 4:20. Once again, did the whole cake, icecream, and present thing, then the kids are in the pool.

Challenge 6: At 6:15, we're back in the car racing back to town to pickup Little Man from the car show. Hubby says he'll be out there late because of the Awards Ceremony and then loading everything up afterwards. So, I made it there around 6:45,

Challenge 7: hit the McDonald's drive thru (sorry again weight loss partner) , eat dinner in the car, pickup the puppy at Mom's, and home by 7:30.

Challenge 8: Unloaded the car which looked like we'd been living in it for a month, put everything away, got showers, worked on the project a few minutes (we tested over 100 people this weekend), played with the puppy, brushed teeth and

Challenge 9, 10, 11, 12. . . : Kids in the bed by 9:00. This was definitely the most difficult task of the weekend.

It's after 2:00 AM, I'm still blogging totally wired from left over Pepsi and Coke, wondering how I'll make it through this coming week. Again, too much to do . . . not enough time to do it. No, Birthday parties so far, Thank Heavens!

Hubby's car show is over, thank God! Hubby's motorcycle won Best in Class. I'm trying to be happy for him but really feel that I deserve the flippin' award. I'm the one who raced all over God's creation this weekend.

I'd however settle for a piece of the Great Wall of Chocolate from P.F. Changs or the 7-Layer Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory, I'm starving !


Barbara's blog said…
Whew! Just reading your Amazing Racing leaves me breathless. But you did a good job keeping up. Let us know how the science project comes out. I taught 6th grade science for five years and had to do science fair projects every year--plus set up the fair itself. Wish more of my kids had had parents like you who would have helped them.

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