An Email from My Pastor

Below is an email I received from my pastor. I've referred to him in a previous blog as "former pastor" but Webster say's (I looked it up) that a pastor is a spiritual overseer. It didn't mention a geography requirement. He's still that and much more to me no matter what citiy we reside.

(Me) Wow, what an incredible story. Who could have ever seen that coming? God is really amazing, not so much on our time but always in time. My understanding, patience, and faith was not at it's best this week. I guess I have some work to do. Love you and thanks for the encouraging story!

(Pastor) Please read this, because it is not secret what God can do.

(Story) I wanted to give you all the praise report from !@#$. This was the young lady who was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer and was asked to come to the Good Friday service where Evangelist/Prophet !@@#could pray for her. She told me yesterday during service that she was scheduled for surgery this morning. I spoke with her later this evening and as she began to tell me what had transpired, I knew that God had given her the myracle she was looking for. Let me tell how God has worked in the ladies life. She encountered an issue in which she was told that the Dr. who initially diagnosed her cancer was not an approved Dr. on her insurance and she had to get another Dr. Keep in mind that she has already been diagnosed and setup for surgery to have a complete historectomy once they went in to remove the cancer and this was also after Prophet !@#$ laid hands and prayed for her. When they assigned her another Dr., this new Dr. told her that he wanted to run his own test. He did...and he came back to tell her that he DID NOT see what the other Dr. saw and that he would not be giving her a historectomy. I then asked her "what about the cancer...did he see it?" She told me NO, that he did not see any cancer!! This is where I want to run...because had God not removed the other Dr. who made the cancer diagnosis...he would have gone in and completed the surgery that she DIDN'T need. Ooooh but God...he orchestrated the removal of this Dr. so that he could send the other Dr. in to show her that he had answered her prayer! Thought I would share her results...

(Me) I guess God is still in the business of answering prayer. I've struggled the past couple of years not so much with God but with church. As I've bounced around from church to church at times turning to and from it, I've let my relationship with Him slip. I didn't realize it until crisis mode. I might have some valid issues with the church but it shouldn't deter me from God.


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