Love Stinks

Today, at church, the message was on Love. It was really good and timely, I might add. The greatest of all His commandments, if you want to be most like Him, is to love one another. It sounds so simple but is as he said, the most difficult. He mentioned those that make it look easy, even effortless. Several of my friends and family came to mind. I’m so glad they were there for me this week.

During service, I also started thinking about how I measure up with this commandment and concluded I show a great deal of love, probably better than most. All in all, I was feeling pretty good about myself.

As I was leaving church, the kids wanted some of their friends to come home with us to play. Feeling up to the challenge, I said okay. 5 kids, my husband, and another couple head to El Chico for lunch. The kids sat at one table, the adults at another. We had a great lunch. The kids had kid’s conversation at their table, we had adult conversation at our table. It was great and just another example of how good I am showing love, right?

As I arrive at the house, Paw Paw, Grandma, and Great Grandma pull in. Great Grandma is now living with them. She’s pushing 90 and with dementia, she’s lost her short term memory. She falls often and is just slowly going down hill. Anyway, knowing how much both of them, especially Grandma need a break, I offered to watch her for a couple of hours. The kids were playing wonderfully with their friends in their rooms, it was no problem. See, I’m a pro at this love thing.

A couple of hours later, great grandma is in the bathroom and a foul smell is coming down the hallway. I knock at the door to ask if everything’s alright, have you had an accident? Knowing full well the answer, she calls out, “No, I’m fine.” Yea right. I hover at the door and finally she comes out. . . covered in crap. No joke, it was all up and down the sleeves of her jacket, on her pants, heck it was even in her socks. And my bathroom, there was crap all over the floor. I think more landed outside the toilet, than inside. The smell I can’t even begin to describe. She argued with me as I insisted she take off her clothes and get in the bath. She kept trying to grab the walls with her poopy hands. My love is wavering, to say the least.

Okay, I was making headway getting her clothes off and into a plastic bag. She’s in the tub. The only problem is, she’s not washing, at least not enough to get the job done. Poop is floating around the tub, can it get worse? Yes because I’m going to have to wash this old woman. I’m Not Feeling Much Love At All by this point. I keep telling her it’s okay, but I don’t think either one of us are convinced. Does His commandment to love one another include Great Grandma?

Isn’t it funny? Just when you start thinking you’re all that and a bag of chips, He lets you know, just how stink'in full of crap you are. Did I mention, grandma and paw paw are going to Vegas on Thursday. Great Grandma will be in my care for a full 4 days. I guess Great Grandma counts and He thinks I could use more practice in showing love.


SuperMom said…
From where I stand, you love without blinking or asking questions. You are the first one there for anyone. I don't know many people who give the way you do.

And I think it's okay to say it didn't smell too great. Anyone else would have said the same :-)
Anonymous said…
Believe me you will look back on this moment and just laugh. It wasn't funny at the time, but a moment with Grandma is better than none at all.

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