The Wait is Over

I think I held my breath for 9 days straight. The doctor called this evening and the news is good. She has cancer but the MRI shows that it’s not in the tissue (like he thought) or spread to other organs. He says that besides not finding cancer at all, it’s the best news you can get.

In his words, “It’s Very Treatable!” Thank God! He didn’t say what the treatment would be, I guess he’s leaving that to the oncologist. But whatever it is, in so many words, he said she’s going to be okay. Again, Thank God!

The thoughts, emotions, and overall sense of helplessness I have felt over the past week and a half coupled with the loving support of my friends and family will I’m sure make their way into my blog.

But for now I’m going to sleep knowing that my Mom is going to be just fine. I can’t even begin to tell you how good that feels.


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