
I had plans to get into the Thanksgiving spirit with so much food and thanks that I wouldn’t have time for an emotional breakdown.  I dodged the tears last night when we pulled into his parents driveway.  We get to see his parents but not mine.  I was able to bite back tears and enjoy the hugs and warm welcomes from family.

 So this Thanksgiving morning for the last half hour,  there’s been no stopping the tears.  I’ve been in the bedroom crying my eyes out missing her so much.  Then twirl came into mind, but I don’t want to.  I’ll just sit here and cry, thank you.  Then guilt nudged me up and I twirled.  I’m not sure there was any joy in my twirl.

Then I started imagining Mom in heaven singing praises, joyfully twirling, and giving thanks to God.  It occurred to me.  We are celebrating Thanksgiving today, but in heaven it’s Thanksgiving every day.  Life gets in the way for most of us with the exception of Janice LaCount.  God love her,  This might become my favorite holiday, Happy Thanksgiving.


Barbara said…
You write with such poise. I’ve never said that about anyone and am not real sure what it means. Honest. Pure. Love. I pray for God to fill up the hole in your heart with his peace. I love to picture Carol in that place of rest and joy. I remember her telling me she would call me when she got thereto tell me about it if, like when you are arrested they give you one phone call. We both laughed. I loved her laugh. I don’t know you well but u am sure you are just like her in so many ways.

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