Work, Work, WORK!

WORK!!! That's about all I'm doing now a'days. Oh, and driving around 1000 miles a week, and no I'm not exaggerating. Yes, I brought this on myself. This past summer, expanding our little business sounded much more exciting than it feels right now. Isn't that always the case? Anyway, so far so good, for the most part. Sometimes I feel all eyes on me watching to see if I'm gonna actually pull it off or land flat on my face. My good friend, since 3rd grade, said I'm just to stubborn for defeat. She's probably right.

Last night, Little Girl asked if she could watch the movie, Shrek the Turd (Third). She had all of us rolling out of our chairs. Paw Paw turned 61 yesterday. I called mom and asked what we should get for his Birthday. She said flannel shorts. I said you mean Underwear! Are you kidding me? Hubby ran with the suggestion and frequented one of those "adult stores" picking up a leopard print thong. The only thing better than Paw Paw's face was Grandma's when he opened the present. Now that was priceless. We told the kids, Paw Paw got a sling shot, I'm not sure they bought it.

Little Man just came home from Cub Scouts. They had their annual Rocket Derby. He and Daddy have been getting ready for it over the last couple of days. They won the first two races and then lost the third which put them in the losers bracket. They fought back through the bottom bracket to race the Den Leader's son for the championship. Little Man ended up walking away with 2nd place! Evidently, the last race was just neck in neck. Hubby's already planning for next year's rocket design, Little Man is just soaking in the moment of victory.
They're just too cute.

Well, I guess I'd better get back to work, Work, and More WORK!


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