Ruby's Faith

Nothing significant has happened. Not any cute funny stories I can tell about the kids. I'm just in a blah mood and thought maybe blogging it out might help . . .

The business is going well, I guess. Our new year recently started and I can't help but worry.Will they like me this year, will they choose me? The past four years, they've liked me. The past two years with our own company, they've chose me. But you can't help but wonder what tomorrow will bring. We've expanded out of state, trying to duplicate there what we've accomplished here. I've been on the road quite a bit over the past month, summer already seems like a far away memory. I know that I should do all I can do, run as hard and as fast as possible and then at the end of the day leave the rest in God's hands. I'm working on that part.

I have two healthy, happy, beautiful kids. Little Man is finding his groove, back in the swing of school. Last week, he brought home a 110% on his Spelling Test. His teacher says that he's doing great and has really matured over the past year. Baby Girl is approaching school as a dream that's finally come true. She bounces out of bed, excitedly goes through morning rituals and skips out the door happily waving and blowing kisses all the way down the sidewalk. You know, I couldn't be happier with the school they're attending. Don't get me wrong, there are winds and dips in the road, but nothing that we can't get through for now.
Sound pretty confident. Worry Free. Right. Wrong!
I'm fairly confident for now, so I'll waste time worrying about tomorrow. (that makes sense, huh) Right now, they're attending this quaint, little country school located basically in our backyard but what about when they have to leave and go to the Jr. High and even worse on to High School. The "What Ifs" is enough to drive anyone crazy. At times I've decided, they will be home schooled after 6th grade. Solved that problem in just the nick of time, you know Little Man will be there in just 4 short years. At that point, I won't be worried about their security, only my sanity.

Spending so much time on the road, I've been listening to my christian music and recently a sermon from my former pastor. At the end of his sermon "Who's watching my stuff", he's talks about trust issues (I definitely have some of those). He gives the microphone to someone named Ruby to sing, "His Eye is on the Sparrow, So I know He watches Me." She sung it almost with complete abandonment with so much energy, passion, emotion. In fact, the first time my son heard it, he said, "She's crazy!" After the song, she gives her testimony. I about have it memorized, I've played it so much. Ruby starts off by saying, "Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with lung cancer." She had multiple tumors removed from her wind pipe which left her with 3 tumors in one lung and 4 in the other. The doctor said she needed chemo and radiation treatments immediately. She replied, "Save it for someone without faith, because my God is able." She got down to 89 pounds and they gave her three months to live, that was 7 years ago. This past week, she went back for a routine check-up with X-Rays,Pulmonary Tests and such. He asked her if she ever had Chicken Pox. She replied yes. He went on and said "Chicken Pox came, and did all the damage it could do, and then it left." He told her that if someone asked if she ever had Chicken Pox, she'd probably reply yes, and point to a scar left by Chicken Pox. And so the doctor concluded his analogy, " Ruby, the cancer came, did all the damage it could do, but now I don't need to see you anymore." The band breaks out into music, the church starts whooping and hollering, as you hear Ruby yell at the top of her Cancer Free lungs, "CAN'T NOBODY, DO ME LIKE JESUS!!!!"

So my prayer, each time I play that CD or think about her testimony is God Give Me Faith, That Unmoving Kind of Faith, Like Ruby. God help me develop trust in you that no matter what, Everything is gonna be alright! (just like the song I grew up singing in church)
And God, Bless Ruby as her testimony has Blessed me.


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