Kick'in @#$#

Last night, hubby and I and his mom and dad were on the patio enjoying each other and the evening. Little Man barged through the back door yelling, "Sister said a cuss word!" She slowly peeked her head out the door. I called her over by me and asked, "What happened?" All teary eyed, sweet and innocent she asked, "Am I in trouble?" I told her just to tell us the story. She started by explaining they were play fighting as she lifted her Pirates of the Caribbean Sword. After a long period, she proceeded. . . "And I said to brother" . . . . more silence . . .

"I'm gonna kick your ass!"

Okay, it was our turn to take that long pause and try to hide smiles and suffocate any laughter. As we let it soak in that our 4 year old just said she's gonna kick @#$!

Gathering composure, hubby and I asked her where she heard it. She couldn't remember. We continued explaining, something to the effect of, there's words you'll hear at school but you can't repeat, they're ugly, bad words, blah, blah, blah. A couple of times I looked over at Paw Paw who was moments from falling out of his seat in a fit of laughter.

We dismissed her back inside to play. I walked inside to grab something. The TV was on the show "Jericho" with the volume turned up for Great Grandma. When through the speakers loud and proud came, "I'll kick your @#$@!


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