This Crazy Week!

I've had so many bloggable moments in the past week, but who has the time? With or Without time, I've got to feed my addiction. I'll try to be brief....

Earlier this week I was out of town on business. I desperately wanted to drive home but even a cup from Starbucks was not helping. You know, mind willing but eyes slapping shut. I pulled over at a recognizable hotel and went to check in. No Vacancy. Okay, don't panic, there were at least a half a dozen runner's up off this exit alone. I asked the clerk which she would recommend and she informed me that the rest were also sold out. Are you kidding me? It's not a holiday or even a weekend. She gave me the name of another hotel to try a little further up the road. It's funny, I was pretty tired when I decided to stop, but let someone tell you no room available and then you become like the walking dead. I found the other hotel, and wearily walked into the lobby. I, nervously, asked the clerk for a room. He had one room available. Thank God. He started entering info into his computer as I slowly began to relax. Then he says, the computer shows it's not available. Okay, I decided to accept defeat and get back in the car without making a scene. Then, he suddenly assumed the role of father preaching to his daughter about being a responsible driver and the evils of the road. Long story short, he gave me their Honeymoon Suite for the cost of a regular room. How cool is that!?! I was exhausted but mustered up the energy to take a dip in the 2 person jacuzzi in the middle of the suite. While relaxing, I called hubby to gloat. Wouldn't you know it, my first time in a honeymoon suite and I'm by myself. I enjoyed it just the same and made it back home safe and sound the next day.

Little Man and Baby Girl started school on Thursday. That morning, I bounced out of bed, made bacon and eggs, and gently woke my two little Einstein's. I dressed them in my favorite outfits and then went to work on their hair as daddy rolled his eyes. I muttered something about first impressions and then gave up on explaining and decided my best approach is to flat out ignore. We tied new tennis shoes, grabbed new backpacks, and happily marched out the door. After I dropped each off at their classroom, I hovered in the hallway for a good half hour. Definitely mixed feelings, after a long summer spent each day with the kids, I need a break but when it comes down to it, it's always hard for me to let go. And you know, it's harder this year b/c, I walked home without Baby Girl. Thank Heavens, my children adjust better than I. As we approached the doorway of Baby Girl's classroom, she marched boldly into the unknown without so much as a look back. Again, that confidence shining through with every step she took. As I walked toward her classroom to meet her for lunch, the teacher assistant told me how sweet and well mannered she is. Today, when I went to meet her again for lunch that same assistant told me, "Your daughter's' quite the perfectionist." I said yes she is and thought you ought to meet her dad. Little Man has the same teacher as the year before last. She's wonderful in so many ways but best of all she understands and loves my oldest. I know she has taken him under her wing and will treat him like a son all year long. Oh, don't get me wrong, he'll drive her crazy just as he does me, but no matter what, he's in her heart. Little Man says, "Second grade will be the best year of his whole life." His reasons are; #1. She said, He is one of her favorite students ever! #2. He doesn't have to wait until show-and-tell but can bring his favorite toy to class anytime he wants. (this includes Skylar the dog) #3. He can chew gum in her class. And last but not least, #4. She is simply the "best teacher in the universe." What a great start, huh. . .

Oh, one final insignificant detail. . .

I turn 36 tomorrow, ugh.


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