Supermom for a Day

I cleaned out my desk in attempts to prepare for the new, get rid of the old, when I came across this blog. I must have scribbled it on a notepad last November but never typed it into my blog. It's not every day that you feel like a Supermom so for the moments you pull it off, it must be remembered!

I haven't felt great all day long, in fact I feel pretty lousy. While fighting a miserable cold, I've somehow made it to the end of this day. (not accomplishing much) I run to Walmart and pick up a rotisserie chicken....mmmmm..... call hubby to make sure we don't need anything else, pick up a coloring book for Baby Girl, the ET movie for Little Man, and drive home to officially call it a day. Daddy and Little Man race out the door for Cub Scouts, dinner has to wait. Baby Girl and I cuddle on the couch and watch TV. The boys make it home about the time I slap dinner on the table. Everyone's happily eating and discussing the events of the day. In the middle of dinner, Little Man springs on me, "Hey mom, you're suppose to make a pie for school tomorrow." That vaguely sounds familiar, I'm sure I read something about that last week, I guess? So, I drop everything and run back to Walmart. Little Man wants Lemon Pie so I race through the store grabbing the necessary ingredients per his request and for good measure, those for Peanut Butter Pie too. As I bolt back home, bags in tow, hubby smugly informs me that Walmart sells pies. "Please... A pie from Walmart...I've got an image to uphold." As I'm hunting for the mixing spoons he adds, "I don't use them either, but I know where they are," and points to a drawer. He's such a smart @#$ ! Finally, after 10:00, Wha La. . . I'm done. My son will take not 1 but 2 incredibly delicious, homemade pies to school tomorrow. Baby Girl, the official pie tester, gives her stamp of approval as she licks the spoons and mixing bowls clean. (cheers from the crowd) And so today, I bestow on myself the highest of honors and declare myself Supermom for this day, Monday, November 20th, 2006. I would like to give special thanks to my mom and best friend for the recipes and moral phone support. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you very much!


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