This and That

Right before summer break, Little Man was sentenced to litter patrol on the school playground. His crime was entertaining his classmates by making fart noises with his armpit. I don't know where he learned it. . . could it be hereditary? When I was around his age, I would entertain friends and family by singing Jingle Bells while keeping the beat with my armpit. I was bound and determine to win the Miss Tennessee pageant with my talent.

Baby Girl has developed quite a vocabulary to go with her attitude. She says, "Whatever" more times than I would like and has perfect timing with a sarcastic "Hello!" When arguing with her brother, she nags. . "Boys drool, Girls ....., MOM, WHAT TO GIRLS DO?" She can't remember the ending for anything.

I've had quite a week. I began tutoring my kids plus one (Little Man's Best Friend). I started a diet and actually stuck to it for once. Today, makes 7 days and I'm proud to say I'm 4 pounds lighter.

The first payment on our pool is due next week, will we be swimming? Nope.


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