Help Needed

Wow! I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've blogged. I miss it terribly. So much has happened, many of which would have made killer blogs, like this:

I interviewed between 40 and 50 teachers. I'm looking forward to working with them. In looking for some bilingual assistants, I ran into some pretty interesting people as well.

One was from Peru but she's been in the States for the past 9 years. She's going through a divorce b/c her husband says she's too Americanized. Ten years ago, her parents had her make a video for American men who were looking for a slave, I mean wife. This guy chose her, he flew to Peru and married her, 2 months later, she's leaves her country, family, and friends and moves to the States. She doesn't speak English, he doesn't speak Spanish. It's a match made in Heaven. Two children later, she wants to venture out of the house and make a life for herself, and he's ready to look at new videos.

Another interesting meeting was with a lady from Mexico. She was your typical churchy, over-the-top definitely not grounded, missionary to the States from Mexico. She was seeking employment to pay for upcoming mission trips abroad. She had a green card, but in bright red letters it said, not authorized for employment. No problem.... b/c she said she'd offer her services in exchange I would make "donations" to her church and in return they would give her the money. Sounds like a great church, huh. While waiting for a smile and reply that I had been set-up by some cool, totally new hip reality series, I ended the meeting with thank you and I'd be in contact, yea right.

I actually found someone who is bilingual, eager to work, and Legal. (or so I thought) She's legally here in the U.S. but she's driving illegally. She is without a license or insurance. Great! So, we have to let her go.

I really want to keep blogging b/c so much has happened in the past 4 weeks, but the kids are hungry, the puppy's diaper needs to be changed (I'll save that blog for later), and Amazing Race starts in an hour.


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