The Cost of Fun

Girls night out was scheduled for Thursday night. At my suggestion, we were going to a Karoke Bar. I've been practicing for several weeks. . . ready to tackle Carrie Underwood, Lorretta Lynn, and Janis Joplin, all in one night. The days leading up to the big event have been crazy. I'm not going to whine too much, I'm sure it's been equally chaotic for the rest. It's like there are a million and one reasons not to go to girls night out and one main reason to go, It's called SANITY.

The day of our night out was the absolute longest day ever and not b/c I didn't have much to do. It just was crazy busy and crazy long. But the time finally arrived and we walk into the bar. They are setting up for a band. Are you kidding me? I ask the waitress what about Karoke. She says that's on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I was sooo disappointed. We're suppose to have these nights out once a month, but in truth, we'll probably not get another chance until after the holidays.

Oh well, we pack up and head for a Country Dance Bar. The line dancing was fun. Although, I don't smoke, I think I should in places like that. I'm breathing the smoke anyway and at least with the cigarette maybe I'd get something more out of it than stinky clothes and a sore throat.

I made it home around 1:00 and while I thought, that's going to cost ya, I had no idea. I jumped into bed, stinky clothes and all, and quickly passed out. Less than an hour passed and Baby Girl was by my bedside, mommy, I have to go to the bathroom. Can I ask, why don't they ever wake dad? Why is it always mom? Anyway, I stumble out of bed, take her to the bathroom, shuffle her back to her bedroom, as she asks, "can you lay down with me." And tonight, it was not a problem, I was too tired to try and make it back to my bedroom anyway. We quickly fall back to sleep.

Less than an hour later, I hear Little Man crying in his room. I jump out of bed, forgetting I'm in Baby Girl's room, hit my head on the top bunk, fall out of her bed cursing under my breath and stumble to his room. Now, to fill you in, he's been waking up since Halloween due to bad dreams, and I've been routinely climbing in bed with him against hubby's advisement, I might add. It feels like freakin musical beds, I must stop it at all cost.

I go into his room, do not even give him time to explain, and start lecturing something about facing your fear, mommy and daddy (probably sleeping peacefully in our bed, I might add) are just down the hallway, you are fine, I love you, goodnight. Okay, so it didn't work. He was up more than he was asleep as I laid in bed thinking tomorrow is gonna totally suck.

Little Man wakes up with "the look ." I can recognize it anywhere, poor baby's really sick. And to make it worse, it's Field trip day and Fall Carnival Night at the school. I meet hubby and little man at the doc's office, and it's official he has strep throat. Oh the guilt, why didn't I just jump into bed with him last night only after dosing him with tylenol cold.

Anyway, I survived the rest of the day at work. I made it home to make chicken noodle soup for my sick baby. Thank goodness, Grandma picked Baby Girl up and she seems fit as a fiddle. I go to the school carnival to fulfill my duty working in the 1st grade booth, make it home in time to tuck sick boy into bed, and then climb into bed myself.

And by the way, do I have a sore throat, aching muscles, and a pounding head? That would be a yes! Girls night out did come at an exceptionally high price this time. Will I be back for more? DEFINITELY!


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