Hair In Your Drawers

I met up with Janice and friends at Hooter's in Little Rock last week. I had a blast catching up and listening to their stories of old Pentecostal days. I've got to make this post quick so I'll share my favorite story told that night.

Jodie says an evangelist came to our little church on the west side fired up over the women in the congregations hairdo's. Obviously, Pentecostal women are forbidden to cut their hair. I remember Mom having REALLY long hair. She used balls of hair she called fillers to make her hair look fuller and stand higher on her head, the higher the better.

Anyway, the evangelist must have thought the hair fillers as worldly because standing at the pulpit he preached, "I'll Tell You . . . Most of You Women Have More Hair in Your Drawers Than You Do On Your Head!"

I about coughed up a lung laughing so hard over that one. Mom says she remembers being in that service, I wish I did.

On a more serious note, another favorite was told by a friend (I'm sorry, I'm bad with names) She said that in the middle of her Pentecostal time, the guilt over not ever being good enough finally got to her.

She remembers going to the alter one night, crying out to God that no matter how high her hair was, or how long her dress, the fact she refused to wear make-up or jewelry, and even how hard or long she prayed, fasted, read her bible and so forth, it was never enough. She always came up short.

And so that night,standing defeated at the alter, she looked up at God in desperation and said, "I can't do it anymore." God answered, "Good, Now Let Me!"

That night changed her life. Her story, changed mine.


Sharon Rose said…
Hi. I am new to your blog. I found you through your aunt and uncle who are currently in Indiana.

I look forward to reading more of your work.

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