Hard Working Boys

I know it dangerous getting online 7 minutes before midnight. I've promised myself that I will quickly post this blog, faithfully turn off the computer without so much as checking my email or new facebook page. We'll see.

Hubby went to a motorcycle show and poker run on Friday. He gets back late tonight. Baby Girl spent the past 2 nights at Grandma's. After making bacon and eggs for Little Man and his best friend this morning, I started cleaning house. They joined in and together we cleaned every room top to bottom. They vacuumed, dusted, wiped baseboards, window blinds and window sills. They cleaned the bathroom including toilet, tub, mirror, sink and counter, baseboards, door and scrubbed the tile floor. In the kitchen, they wiped the counter tops and again scrubbed the tile floor. They washed the wood floors throughout the house and cleaned the baseboards down the hallway and in the dining room. They gave the dog a bath and then swept the garage and the front porch.

During my marathon cleanings which lately have been few and far between, I usually get the front of the house good but then run out of steam before getting to my room. Today, they hit my room and oh I can't even begin to say how great a job they did. They vacuumed, wiped the baseboards, dusted the furniture and wiped all my picture frames on the dresser, and cleaned the blinds and window sill. In my closet, they moved all shoes, vacuumed and then wiped the baseboards. My bathroom is heavenly. They cleaned the toilet, jacuzzi tub and the shower, took care of the baseboards, wiped the mirror, and cleaned the counter and sink and then finished up by scrubbing the tile floor.

We went to town to pick up dinner around 9pm. They worked with me all day from 11 until 8:30. Before going home, I stopped by the ATM and pulled out $20.00 for each of them. Little Man is trying to save enough money for an IPOD. His best friend is saving for a new bike. They were ecstatic with the cash but no where near as happy as I was tonight taking a shower in my squeaky clean shower, brushing my teeth in my clean sink, and walking around oohing and ahhing over my beautifully clean house. They probably think I'm crazy (they know I am) but I kept going in their room interrupting their video game to give them hugs and kisses and thank them over and over and over again.

When we moved here 3 years ago, our square footage doubled. Where I could clean the smaller house top to bottom in a day with time left over, I can't here. And like I said, when I do clean, I run out of steam before touching my room and bathroom. I know if I was good, I'd clean a little as I go. Tackle one room per day, not attempt the entire house. The only problem is I've got to be in the mood and that doesn't strike often. Ohhhh, but there's not much better than a clean house and tonight, thanks to two 10 year old boys, my house is immaculate.

Thank you guys :-)


Barbara's blog said…
Can I borrow your boys? I'd be happy to pay $40 to have the entire house clean in one day.
Sure, they'd love it!

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